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MoneyABCs | Personal Financial Education Program


Financial Reality Fair

The program hosts the Financial Reality Fair semi-annually on campus in collaboration with Texas Trust

What is a Financial Reality Fair?

The Financial Reality Fair is a 60‐90 minute experiential learning activity where participants get a feel for real‐life monthly budget. This eye opening experience will give participants a view into what costs they can anticipate and how to budget for the future. It’s a fun and interactive way to learn about budgeting and “adulting.”  This is also a great way for participants to challenge themselves to see if they’re ready for the “real world!” For those that already experienced living on their own and/or have experience using a budget, it’s a great opportunity for them to think through financial decisions and consider ways they can save money and budget more efficiently.


The reality fair experience consists of a hands‐on opportunity during which the participants identify their career choice and starting salaries then complete a budget sheet requiring them to live within their monthly salary while paying for basics such as housing, utilities, transportation, clothing, and food. Additional expenditures such as entertainment and travel are factored in as well. Throughout the fair, there are many temptations for additional spending, and participants must learn to balance their wants and needs to live on their own. After the participants have visited the various booths covering components of independent living, students balance their budget and, then, sit down with a financial counselor for review.

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