Category: Bioinformatic analysis

STAR RNA-seq mapping on Stampede2

After multiple round of experimenting, I found out an alternative way to run RNA-seq mapping with STAR on Stampede2 would be to use a whole node (16 cores) at the same time. The DDR RAM for a node on Stampede2 is 96 Gb,which may not be enough for handling multiple independent mapping jobs. We can use multiple threads for STAR…

Estimating within population/species PI (nucleotide diversity)

Learned a new bioinformatics trick today while using VCFtools to analyze nucleotide diversity for the Amazon molly (Poecilia formosa), an intriguing asexually reproducing (gynogenesis) fish. To calculate withing species/population Pi from a big vcf file containing multiple populations, provide a list containing all the individuals’ names from one population in a file (e.g., LIST), and use the following command “vcftools…

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