
I am a Computer Science Ph.D. candidate in the Department of Computer Science & Engineering at UT Arlington, I have been working with Dr. Jeff Lei and Dr. Jiang Ming on research concerning Software Security. Prior to joining the Software Engineering Research Center Lab at UTA, I had been working as an iOS developer in Beijing, China.

Research Interests

  • Compiler Optimization
  • Binary Code Analysis
  • Software Security Testing


MagicMirror: Towards High-Coverage Fuzzing of Smart Contracts ICST ’23
Huadong Feng, Xiaolei Ren, Qiping Wei, Jeff Yu Lei, Raghu Kacker, Richard Kuhn, Dimitris Simos

Security Analysis of Zigbee Protocol Implementation via Device-agnostic Fuzzing ACM Journal – Digital Threats: Research and Practice ’22
Mengfei Ren, Xiaolei Ren, Huadong Feng, Jiang Ming, Yu Lei

Z-Fuzzer: device-agnostic fuzzing of Zigbee protocol implementation WiSec ’21
Mengfei Ren, Xiaolei Ren, Huadong Feng, Jiang Ming, Yu Lei

Unleashing the hidden power of compiler optimization on binary code difference: an empirical study PLDI ’21
? PLDI Distinguished Paper Award
? ACM SIGPLAN Blog: When Compiler Optimization Meets Binary Code Difference
Xiaolei Ren, Michael Ho, Jiang Ming, Yu Lei, Li Li


  • Ph.D. student in Computer Science,  University of Texas at Arlington
  • M.S. in Software Engineering,  University of Texas at Arlington
  • B.S. in Computer Science,  Jilin University

Teaching Experiences

     Graduate Teaching Assistant  

  • CSE 4321 001 Software Testing & Maintenance / Fall 2021.
  • CSE 3311 001 Oriented Software Engineering / Summer 2021.
  • CSE 5322 001/901 Software Design Patterns / Fall 2020.
  • CSE 6324 003 Adv Topics Software Engineering / Spring 2020.
  • CSE 3310 Fundamentals of Software Engineering / Spring 2019 & 2021.

      Lab Instructor  

  • CSE 2100 006 Practical Computer Hardware & Software Systems / Spring 2020.

      Guest Talks
    Invited Presentation: Compiler Optimization and Binay Difference, 

    Lecture: CSE 4321 Software Testing & Maintenance, Spring 2022, Slides

Paper Review Service

ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security (CCS’19-’20).
USENIX Security (’21-’22).
International Conference on Information and Communications Security (’19-’21).
IEEE/ACM Automated Software Engineering (ASE’20).
Elsevier: Computers & Security (’21-’23)
IEEE/ACM Automated Software Engineering (ASE’20).


Xiaolei Ren – © 2023

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