I earned my Ph.D. in Computer Science from the University of Texas at Arlington, where I had the privilege of collaborating with renowned researchers Dr. Jeff Lei and Dr. Jiang Ming. Together, we embarked on pioneering projects in Software Engineering and Software Security. Before joining the Software Engineering Research Center Lab at UTA, I honed my skills as a mobile app tech lead in Beijing, China, leading innovative projects with the smartest teammates to deliver outstanding software services to millions of users.

I am currently seeking highly motivated PhD students in the field of Computer Science, with a particular focus on individuals who possess exceptional hands-on abilities and a passion for software security. If you are interested in pursuing this exciting area of research, please do not hesitate to reach out to me. I look forward to hearing from you soon!

Research Interests

  • Compiler Optimization
  • Binary Code Analysis
  • Software Security Testing


In Proceedings of the 2023 European Symposium on Research in Computer Security. Hague, Netherlands, 2023

[ESORICS ’23] Intelligent Zigbee Protocol Fuzzing via Constraint-Field Dependency Inference
Mengfei Ren, Haotian Zhang, Xiaolei Ren, Jiang Ming, Yu Lei

In Proceedings of the 16th IEEE International Conference on Software Testing, Verification and Validation (ICST), Dublin, Ireland, 2023.

[ICST ’23] MagicMirror: Towards High-Coverage Fuzzing of Smart Contracts 
Huadong Feng, Xiaolei Ren, Qiping Wei, Jeff Yu Lei, Raghu Kacker, Richard Kuhn, Dimitris Simos

In ACM Digital Threats: Research and Practice

[ACM DTRAP ’22Security Analysis of Zigbee Protocol Implementation via Device-agnostic Fuzzing 
Mengfei Ren, Xiaolei Ren, Huadong Feng, Jiang Ming, Yu Lei

In Proceedings of the 14th ACM Conference on Security and Privacy in Wireless and Mobile Networks. Abu Dhabi, UAE, 2021. (Acceptance rate 28.1%)

[WiSec ’21] Z-Fuzzer: device-agnostic fuzzing of Zigbee protocol implementation 
Mengfei Ren, Xiaolei Ren, Huadong Feng, Jiang Ming, Yu Lei

Zero-day Vulnerabilities Detected: CVE-2020-27890CVE-2020-27891CVE-2020-27892

In Proceedings of the 42nd ACM SIGPLAN Conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation, Virtual Event, June 23-25, 2021. (Acceptance rate 27.2%=87/320)

[PLDI ’21] Unleashing the hidden power of compiler optimization on binary code difference: an empirical study

Open-source auto-tuning framework: BinTuner, can deliver a near-optimal binary code that reveals much more differences than -Ox settings.
🏆 ACM SIGPLAN Distinguished Paper Award (PLDI)
🆕 ACM SIGPLAN Blog: When Compiler Optimization Meets Binary Code Difference
Xiaolei Ren, Michael Ho, Jiang Ming, Yu Lei, Li Li


  • Ph.D. in Computer Science.  University of Texas at Arlington.
  • M.S. in Software Engineering.  University of Texas at Arlington.
  • B.S. in Computer Science.  Jilin University.

Teaching Experiences

     Graduate Teaching Assistant  

  • CSE 5360 Artificial Intelligence / Summer 2023.
  • CSE 5325 & 6324 Adv Topics Software Engineering / Spring 2023.
  • CSE 5324 Software Engineering: Analysis, Design, and Testing / Fall 2022.
  • CSE 4321 Software Testing & Maintenance / Fall 2021 & Spring 2022.
  • CSE 3311 Oriented Software Engineering / Summer 2021.
  • CSE 5322 Software Design Patterns / Fall 2020.
  • CSE 6324 Adv Topics Software Engineering / Spring 2020.
  • CSE 3310 Fundamentals of Software Engineering / Spring 2019 & 2021.

     Lab Instructor  

  • CSE 2100 Practical Computer Hardware & Software Systems / Spring 2020.

     Guest Talks

  • Guest Talk: Compiler Optimization and Binay Difference

           Invited by Assistant Professor Dr. Zhongwei (Luke) Li, Department of Computer Science & Information Systems at the TAMU-Commerce, October 26, 2020, 3:00-4:00 p.m.

  • Lecture: CSE 4321 Software Testing & Maintenance, Spring 2022, Slides

Academic Services

Elsevier: Computers & Security (’21-’24)
IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing (’22-’24)
Code Generation and Optimization (CGO) (’24)
External Reviewers:
ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security (CCS’19-’20).
USENIX Security (’21-’22, ’24).
IEEE/ACM Automated Software Engineering (ASE’20).
International Conference on Information and Communications Security (’19-’21).



  • xiaolei.ren [at] mavs [dot] uta [dot] edu
  • Engineering Research Building #513
  • 500 UTA Blvd, Arlington, TX 76010, United States
  • My Google Scholar

© 2024 Xiaolei Ren