Post #1 (First Half of Book): Let’s Dialogue!

We invite you to share your response to the first half of the book! Feel free to post as much or as little as you want in your comment. Some suggested thinking points are below. Pick one (or more!) points to elaborate on in the comment thread. We encourage you to read through the other comments and reply, as well, to others! -Peggy and Soyla

Impressions: As you were reading, what stood out to you, overall, about the message of the book?

Reactions: Was there anything that surprised you about the stories shared? Did the stories that she relayed in the book seem shocking or not?

Discussion: Are some industries more difficult for women, in terms of harassment (e.g., she mentioned tech industry)?

Applications: What would you have done in any of the scenarios?

Book Quality: What were your thoughts on the way the book was written and organized?

Connecting to the news and to our own lives:

What connections do you have to what you are seeing in the news media? What connections do you have to life?

Now what: What can we do to make our own voices and narratives heard? What should we do if confronted by harassment? How can we be the change agent?

1 thought on “Post #1 (First Half of Book): Let’s Dialogue!

  1. As I am reading the book, what stood out most is that it seems you really must know what you want to do before heading to HR. Seems like you stand alone in most of these cases. So far, the only incentive to stand up to harassment is to hope that it doesn’t happen to your children.

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