CALIPSO borehole observatory

Caribbean Andesite Lava Island Precision Seismo-geodetic Observatory

CALIPSO is a multinational, collaborative research project primarily funded by the US NSF with additional funding from the UK NERC. Additional funding to support CALIPSO has been provided by NASA. Prof B. Voight (Emeritus, Penn State) is the CALIPSO Chief Scientist and Prof. G.S. Mattioli (UT Arlington) is the CALIPSO Facility Director. Data from the CALIPSO Facility are archived at the UNAVCO, Inc. Facility and the IRIS DMC.

SEA-CALIPSO, a follow-on project to CALIPSO, was an active source seismic experiment completed in December 2007. It was funded by NSF and NERC, with instrument and technical support from IRIS PASSCAL Instrument Center.

CALIPSO Original Collaborative Institutions

CALIPSO Background Information

Penn State CALIPSO Project HomePage

Project Summary from NSF-EAR Continental Dynamics award (#0116485)

Poster Presented at NSF Workshop on Active Magmatic Systems

Text only abstract NSF-EarthScope Workshop

EarthScope Plate Boundary Observatory

Richard Stone’s Science Article on Soufriere Hills volcano

CALIPSO and SEA-CALIPSO Related Events

NSF Infrasound Workshop in Kona, HI

Newswatch: UARK Researchers Witness July 12th eruption

University of Arkansas Press Release – July 12th eruption

BGS Summary of July 12th Events

NASA MODIS Image of July 12th eruption plume

Mattioli presentation at the Univ. of Arkansas Geosciences Colloquium

Mattioli et al. presentation at IGC, Firenze, Italy, August 25, 2004

Facebook page 2007 SEA-CALIPSO active source seismic experiment

Video segment from 2007 SEA-CALIPSO active source seismic experiment

2011 MVO-hosted ‘Soufriere Hills Volcano 15 years On’ conference abstract volume

CALIPSO Selected Recent Publications

Publication list from CALIPSO & SEA-CALIPSO (2005-2011)

Reprint of Mattioli et al., 2004 EOS Feature

Reprint of Voight et al., 2006 GRL article

Linde et al., 2005 Fall AGU Poster on March 2004 explosions

Reprint of Mattioli et al., 2007 Geology article

Reprint of Elsworth et al., 2008 Science article

Reprint of Dautermann et al., 2009 JGR article

Reprint of Voight et al., 2010 GRL article

Reprint of Mattioli et al., 2010 GRL article

Reprint of Foroozan et al., 2010 GRL article

Reprint of Shalev et al., 2010 GRL article

Reprint of Foroozan et al., 2011 GRL article

Reprint of Voight et al., 2010 EOS Feature

CALIPSO Photo Archive

CALIPSO Photo Archive of Glen Mattioli

Soufriere Hills Volcano Photos by Simon Young

CALIPSO Borehole Observatory Original Design Schematics

Instrument and Remote Data Acquisition

FreeWave RF Communication Schematic

Montserrat RF Network Map

Logical Data Stream and Archive Plan

Hot Hole Wiring, Pinouts, and File Name Structure

Cold Hole Wiring, Pinouts, and File Name Structure

CALIPSO NSF Reports (selected)

UARK Annual Report to NSF for FY2002

UARK Annual Report to NSF for FY2003

UARK Final Report to NSF for CALIPSO-I