All photos in this archive were shot by G. Mattioli using either a Ricoh RDC-5000 (Jun. 2001, fine setting 1792×1200 pixels) or Nikon D100 digital camera (Jun. 2003, fine setting 3000 x 2008 pixels) with Nikkor AF-S 24-85 mm lens unless otherwise noted.
All images are copyrighted (2001, 2003, 2006) by Glen S. Mattioli.
Images may be freely used for non-commercial purposes with appropriate source attribution.
Dominica Field Photos June 2001
These photos were taken during a joint University of Arkansas, Cal State San Bernardino, University of Miami, Rosenstiel School field campaign to initiate GPS measurements in southern Dominica. In addition to GPS observations on 9 sites, we also completed field mapping and sampling of Quaternary volcanic deposits.
GPS Training UARK June 2003
These photos were taken during a one-day training session at the University of Arkansas in which the student participants from the Department of Geosciences were trained to acquire geodetic quality GPS observations. Primary instruction was by UARK graduate students Anita Stone, Liz Van Boskirk, Shane Matson, and Henry Turner. Arkansas-Oklahoma Space Center REU students John Mischler and Jon McBee also participated in the training.
Dominica Photos June 2003
These photos were taken during a joint University of Arkansas and Cal State San Bernardino prototype REU field camp lead by Dr. Glen S. Mattioli and Dr. Alan L. Smith. The 9 GPS sites initially installed and occupied in June 2001 were re-occupied and 3 additional sites were installed. Fumerole and adjacent stream temperature and pH were measured and water samples were obtained for oxygen isotopic analysis. Additional field checking was completed to enhance and verify the soon to be published geologic map of Smith and colleagues.
Dominica Videos June 2003
Setup of GPS spike mount at CASS …
Setup of GPS site at BLVD and Z-12 programming …
Temperature measurement and water sampling at hot springs …
Prof. Smith discusses block and ash flow deposits at outcrop …
Dominica NSF-REU Photos June 2006
These photos were taken during a joint University of Arkansas and Cal State San Bernardino NSF-REU site lead by Dr. Glen S. Mattioli and Dr. Alan L. Smith. Photos are provided by Matt Burch (UARK REU participant) and Shannon Graham (Mt. Holyoke REU participant) as well as Glen Mattioli.
Shannon Graham’s Photos from Weeks 1 and 2
Shannon Graham’s Photos from Week 3
Shannon Graham’s Photos from Week 4
Shannon Graham’s Photos from the Boiling Lake excursion
Matt Burch ‘s Photos from June 2006