

  • Levine, D. S. (2017). Modeling the instinctive-emotional-thoughtful mind. Cognitive Systems Research, 45, 82-94.[Full Text]
  • Levine, D. S. (2012). Neural dynamics of affect, gist, probability, and choice. Cognitive Systems Research, 15-16, 57-72, doi:10.1016/j.cogsys.2011.07.002. [Full Text]
  • Levine, D.S. (2009). Where is utopia in the brain? Utopian Studies, 20, 249-274. [Full Text]
  • Levine, D.S., & Perlovsky, L.I. (2008). Simplifying heuristics versus careful thinking: Scientific analysis of millennial spiritual issues. Zygon, 43, 797-821. [Full text]
  • Levine, D.S. (2005). Angels, devils, and censors in the brain. ComPlexus, 2, 35-59. [Published Text]
  • [Simplexus Text With Translation Changes Shown]
  • Levine, D.S., Jani, N.G., & Gilbert, D.G. (2003). Modeling the effects of nicotine on a continuous performance task. Neurocomputing, 52-54, 573-582 [Full Text]
  • Eisler, R., & Levine, D.S. (2002). Nurture, nature, and caring: We are not prisoners of our genes. Brain and Mind, 3, 9-52 [Full Text]
  • Levine, D.S., Introduction to the Special Issue on Brain Development and Caring Behavior, Brain and Mind, 3, 1-7 [Full Text]
  • Jani, N.G., & Levine, D.S. (2000). A neural network theory of proportional analogy making. Neural Networks, 13, 149-183 [Full Text]
  • Bapi, R.S., & Levine, D.S. (1997). Modeling the role of the frontal lobes in sequential performance. II. Classification of sequences. Neural Network World, 1/97, 3-28 [Abstract]
  • Levine, D.S. (1996). Modeling dysfunction of the prefrontal executive system. In E. Ruppin, R. Berndt, & J. Reggia (Eds.), Neural Modeling of Brain Disorders (pp. 413-439). Singapore: World Scientific [Abstract]
  • Leven, S.J., & Levine, D.S. (1996). Multiattribute decision making in context: A dynamic neural network methodology. Cognitive Science, 20, 271-299 [Abstract] [Full Text]
  • Bapi, R.S., & Levine, D.S. (1994). Modeling the role of the frontal lobes in sequential performance. I. Basic structure and primacy effects. Neural Networks, 7, 1167-1180 [Abstract] [Full Text]
  • Levine, D.S., & Prueitt, P.S. (1989). Modeling some effects of frontal lobe damage: Novelty and perseveration. Neural Networks, 2, 103-116 [Abstract] [Full Text]
  • Grossberg, S., & Levine, D.S. (1987). Neural dynamics of attentionally modulated Pavlovian conditioning: Blocking, interstimulus interval, and secondary reinforcement. Applied Optics, 26, 5015-5030 [Abstract] [Full Text]