5 Essential Study Tips For Finals













A final exam score can mean the difference between a whole letter grade. While Honors students are expected to make the best possible score, that doesn’t mean it isn’t a struggle to remember all the material they’ve absorbed throughout the semester. That’s why it’s best to take make sure study habits are optimal to get that first A, even if it doesn’t necessarily involved the class material itself.

Avoid Outside Stress

Don’t let anything get in the way of your studies. Making time to study could mean taking a day off work, post-poning extracurriculars or compromising social plans. Prioritizing academics assures you graduate on time. This is extremely important during finals week.

Find Your Study Technique

There are various ways to study but people tend to prefer one over the other. Some study better when taking notes. Others are visual learners, who prefer watching video or reading the book. Still, others are audio learners who learn by recording lectures from class. Make sure you have a game plan in mind. Figure out what material is the most important to remember, what’s less essential and what may or may not be on the exam.

Get Well Rested

While it may seem like a good idea at first, do not pull an all nighter! Sleep is an essential part of the memory absorption and learning requires a good night’s sleep. Otherwise, you may find yourself in one of those moments when you can’t remember that one answer. Don’t let this happen to you.

Study In Groups

Research shows that study groups can improve an exam score by up to one letter grade. For some, it may not be easy to socialize with people but it makes things easier when you’re focused on the class material. It also helps to be able to discuss the material. By reciting and repeating any concepts or definitions to fellow classmates, you’re better able to remember what that means.

Be Prepared Mentally… And Phsyically

Remember to have all the supplies you need to take your exams: Pencil, Scantron and a sharpener just in case. This can’t be stressed enough: get a good night’s rest. On the day of the exam, make sure you eat a proper breakfast so you don’t get hungry as you take the test.

Finally, one interesting tidbit about relieving stress during the exam is to chew gum. Research shows that chewing gum can actually help reduce anxiety.

Good luck on your exams Honors Mavs!

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