Temporary Electrical Outage – University Administration Building and University Hall

In order to return to our normal electrical service at the Life Science Building, an electrical outage will be required in the University Administration Building and University Hall beginning tonight, Tuesday, March 28th, at 10:30 p.m. until approximately 4:00 a.m. on Wednesday, March 29th.  During this switchover, the Life Science Building’s generator will be operational to support any research currently connected to the generator, building security, and networking.  The University Administration Building’s generator will also be operational for areas already connected to the generator, including Dispatch which will be 100% operational.

It is recommended you keep any computer work/data in progress saved during this timeframe to prevent any possible data loss.  Also, to prevent any possible damage, we recommend you turn off all electronic equipment including computers, scanners, and copiers (these devices do not need to be unplugged from their electrical outlets) prior to this outage.  Please share with your fellow faculty and staff members accordingly. 

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Jeff Johnson at (817) 798-8456.

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