Temporary Electrical Outage – Civil Engineering Lab Building Feb 6

Oncor Electric Delivery must perform maintenance activities on the electrical transformer serving the Civil Engineering Lab Building.  This maintenance will require a temporary shutdown of the electrical service for the entire building.  Oncor has requested clearance for this outage to begin at 5:00 a.m. on Monday morning, February 6th, lasting no longer than one hour.

To prevent any possible damage, we recommend you turn off all electronic equipment in the offices including computers, scanners, and copiers before leaving for the weekend (these devices do not need to be unplugged from their electrical outlets).  Please let your faculty and staff members know as necessary.

We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause, and thank you for your cooperation.  If you have any questions, concerns, or special requirements during this time frame, please contact either Toby Buhrkuhl, Facilities Management Electric Shop Supervisor, at (972) 832-1490 or Jeff Johnson, Facilities Management Director, at (817) 798-8456.

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