Fast Maps

Team Name

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Spring 2022 – Summer 2022


  • Grady Nix II
  • Axel Marungike
  • Bawi Thang
  • Austin Johnson
  • Toby Park


Shawn Gieser


Fast Maps is an application that will help provide a simple and easy way of finding that fast and cheap travel plan. The application will be able to provide different prices for different plans and methods of travel. Whether you will be traveling with Uber, Lyft, or Via, the application will help with finding that best option for you. Fast Maps will also provide information and costs for TRE and for Dart in the Fort Worth and Dallas area. But not only that but Arlington will also be included in the starting regions. Fast Maps will also give users the option to filter the methods that will be compared.


The initial idea in developing our mass transit app is to cater to individuals with no vehicles and allow them to find affordable and fast routes, including in areas with limited standard public transportation. The widely used apps like google maps that generate transit routes often exclude ride sharing apps and other transportation services covering smaller markets like in Arlington, TX. Our team is made of a group of students from the University of Texas at Arlington, where the main mode of transportation as in many other locations in the United States are cars. Consequently, most people have cars and don’t have issues navigating around but  public transportation isn’t the most developed and reliable in the area and on college campuses another reality can be observed. Several college students are from other cities, states or even countries which often results in them not having access to a vehicle of their own. Other factors, such as reduced budgets also influence the difficulty of owning a vehicle. Thus, certain students often need to rely on public transportation. In many case scenarios, we’ve observed that users of large scale transit/mapping applications are offered routes that begin in bus/train stations multiple miles away. Leaving them with no other options but a car ride to reach the starting point. In some cases, applications will display rates from ride sharing apps of companies with whom they’ve established partnerships. The goal of such partnerships are purely lucrative and don’t take into consideration the monetary constraints their users may face. We can find many transit applications but most are focused on scale rather than affordability. Professor Gieser is a senior lecturer in the CSE department of UT-Arlington and also an alumni. Evidently well aware of the transportation challenges for UTA students. Therefore, as our sponsor (Professor Gieser) requested us to develop a transit application with an emphasis on offering UTA students cost and time efficient routes to navigate Arlington and its surrounding areas with all the modes of transportation, specifically the local transportation services often omitted by the large commercial applications.

Project Requirements

  • The app must have a map that will adapt to the users movements at all times
  • The app must provide cost amounts to the user
  • The app must provide travel time to destinations for the user
  • The app must be able to store the users information in a database
  • The app must be usable as a cross platform application
  • The app must display information on the map page within a 3 second load time
  • The app must protect the users information that they provide through the use of Firebase
  • The app must be able to change the location of the position they are at if planning a trip.

System Overview

The current issue with the transit system is that there is an unreasonable amount of travel options when trying to make plans for traveling. Our app will reduce the number of options an individual will see by picking the cheapest options and displaying those on the menu screen. Then the option that is selected will display on the map screen.

The Menu Screen will give the user a place to enter the location they are traveling to and where they are traveling from. There will also be a spot the user can choose filters such as: Driving services, personal vehicle, buses, and trains. After the user enters the locations and choose there filters the app will display a list of options that they can pick from that will show only the cheapest routes that they can take.
The Map Screen will have the locations that the user entered at the top of the screen. Below that the map will be displayed with the route that the user selected. There will also be a spot where filters can be applied to the map. Under the map there will be a spot where the option the user picked on the menu screen will be displayed.

The option that the user picks will show the method, cost, time of travel, and the distance the route has to travel.


The current issue with the transit system is that there is an unreasonable amount of travel options when trying to make plans for traveling. Our app will reduce the number of options an individual will see by picking the cheapest options and displaying those on the menu screen. Then the option that is selected will display on the map screen.

The Menu Screen will give the user a place to enter the location they are traveling to and where they are traveling from. There will also be a spot where the user can choose filters such as: Driving services, personal vehicle, buses, and trains. After the user enters the locations and chooses their filters the app will display a list of options that they can pick from that will show only the cheapest routes that they can take.

The Map Screen will have the locations that the user entered at the top of the screen. Below that the map will be displayed with the route that the user selected. There will also be a spot where filters can be applied to the map. Under the map there will be a spot where the option the user picked on the menu screen will be displayed.

The option that the user picks will show the method, cost, time of travel, and the distance the route has to travel.

Future Work

Later on we plan to implement a few things to improve the performance of Fast Maps some of the items we plan to touch on would be: Better map implementation, a 3D display, destination recommendation for users, map markers, and custom maps for tours.

Project Files

Project Charter (link)

System Requirements Specification (link)

Architectural Design Specification (link)

Detailed Design Specification (link)

Poster (link)


Any references go here, properly formatted
