
Team Name



Summer 2019-Fall 2019


  • Jacob Wilkins

  • Alex Mejia

  • Zohar Moreno

  • Umanga Shrestha

  • Sirjan Khanal


Christopher Conly


Swift Scan is an [Android](https://developer.android.com/studio) application that scans any barcode using your mobile device and keeps an inventory of your collections. It also enables the option to manually add items to the inventory. Most scanner kits are complicated and hard to use. This product is being developed to provide product scanner capabilities to the common user. We want to allow collectors and small businesses to easily keep track of their items.



The Swift Scan app helps to keeps an inventory of your collections.It helps to keep track of brewing products on the basis of their name, type, barcode, location, quantity, etc. We have developed the Swift Scan using android studio and java as the programming language and it stores the information in memory. In the Swift Scan, you can manually add the item to the inventory. while adding a product, it gives you an option like name, type, barcode, quantity, and location. After adding data manually, it will be saved in the edit text files in different activities. After that either you can use; edit or delete if you want some changes. Swift-scan consists of the camera which scans the barcode of the product or uploads the picture from the gallery. SwiftScan app can be used for different beverage purposes too.

Project Requirements

  • An android phone with a camera
  • The Application needs the Barcode Scanner app installed in it (https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.google.zxing.client.android&hl=en_US) to use.
  • The application should design a system that will allow the user to keep track of their beverages in the inventory.
  • The application should create a system that allows the user to add, delete or edit the beverages manually using the search bar or using the bar code.
  • The application should check for existing beverages before creating a new beverage and give you the option to edit if exists or else option to add a new drink.
  • The application should allow you to enter the image manually or give you the option to take the picture using the camera.
  • The application should allow the user to sort the beverage inventory ascending, descending or quantity.

System Overview

Swift Scan is an [Android](https://developer.android.com/studio) application that scans any barcode using your mobile device and keeps an inventory of your collections. It also enables the option to manually add items to the inventory.It also has a search bar to look for the existing product. Most scanner kits are complicated and hard to use. This product is being developed to provide product scanner capabilities to the common user. We want to allow collectors and small businesses to easily keep track of their items. Must have [Barcode Scanner](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.google.zxing.client.android&hl=en_US) to use.


Demo Link


Source code:


Java docs:


Future Work

Implementation of this app in ios

Addition features like login with facebook


Project Files

Project Charter (link)

System Requirements Specification (link)

Architectural Design Specification (link)

Detailed Design Specification (link)

Poster (link)


Any references go here, properly formatted
