Fall 2009
Course Syllabus
Go here for a pdf-formatted version of the course syllabus.
Other pertinent information:
JavaSketchpad file.
Class: October 12, 2009
Go here for a file that you will use today in class.
Class: October 5, 2009
For today’s assignment please see webct.uta.edu. Click here for grid file and slider file.
Class: September 14, 2009
- We learned how to go webct.uta.edu to upload assignments.
- By September 21, 2009, you should upload your the clock, hexagon, and Geogebra assignments.
- We will be using WebCT for communication in this course. Remember that you need your NetID and password to access the course. Once you are able to log into the system, you should click on M5344.
Class August 31, 2009
- Homework: Review activity sheet we worked in class. Be ready to work on your “clock” at the beginning of class on September 14th.
- Please see the following links on the Key Curriculum Website:
Class: August 24, 2009
- GSP quick tutorial that was designed by Region IV Educational Service Center
- Internet (applets, calculators, manipulatives, simulations, etc.)
- Graphing Calculators (e.g., TI-84 Plus) and/or GC-based laboratories (CBL-2, CBR), sensors or probes:
- education.ti.com/educationportal/
- www.calculator.com
- www.shodor.org/interactivate/activities/sketcher/index.html
- www.shodor.org/interactivate/activities/flydata/index.html
- education.ti.com/educationportal/sites/US/nonProductMulti/nspire_cas.html
- www.vernier.com/mbl/labpro.html
- resources and downloads for APPS, see:
- Guidebooks (User Manuals) and Apps (Applications), etc. available at http://education.ti.com/educationportal/sites/US/sectionHome/download.html
- http://www.geocities.com/calculatorhelp/ti84graphs.htm
- http://www.geocities.com/calculatorhelp/ti84.htm
- for a computer to “emulate” your calculator: www.ticalc.org/programming/emulators/
- DGS: Dynamic Geometry Software (e.g., Geometer’s Sketchpad (GSP), Cabri-Geometry)
- CAS: Computer Algebra System (software with symbolic manipulation capability, such as Mathematica, Maple, MathCad, Derive; calculators such as TI-89, TI-92, Voyage 200)