
James Álvarez

Dr. James A. M. Álvarez


Dr. James A. M. Álvarez

Professor & Distinguished Teaching Professor

The University of Texas at Arlington

Voice: (817)272-5047
FAX: (817)272-5802

For more information on  Dr. Álvarez’s scholarly work, research Interests and academic service, please visit this link to his Faculty Profile, this link to the Enhancing Explorations in Functions for Preservice Secondary Mathematics Teachers Project (NSF DUE #1612380), or this link to the Mathematical Association of America’s MAA Notes #98 Volume, An Aspirational Approach to the Mathematical Education of Teachers, based upon the NSF-funded META Math Project (NSF DUE #1726624)

*Note that Dr. Álvarez corrected his surname from Epperson to Álvarez in March 2017. As of late March 2017, he no longer uses Dr. James A. Mendoza Epperson.