
CE 4347 Reinforced Concrete Design
An analysis, design and synthesis course for concrete structures, emphasizing elastic analysis and strength design.
3 Lecture Hours – 0 Lab Hours
Prerequisite: Grade of C or better in CE 3341.
Course Details
Design of one way slabs, rectangular beams, flanged sections and columns, and footings for strength, shear, bond, bearing, and serviceability.
Building codes, ACI specifications, material specifications, test methods, and recommended practice documents.
CE 5312 Advanced Reinforced Concrete Design
Includes structural design of slender columns, walls, truss model for shear and torsion; structural systems such as continuous beams, two-way slabs, yield-line theory and shear friction. Behavior of reinforced concrete structures, with emphasis on ductility and detailing of frames, slabs, and detailing for seismic loads will be covered.
Course Details
Building codes, American Concrete Institute (ACI) specifications, material specifications, test methods, and recommended practice documents.
3 Lecture Hours – 0 Lab Hours
Credit not granted for both CE 4361 and CE 5312.
Prerequisite: CE 4347
CE 5384 Concrete Bridge Design
Analysis and design of concrete bridges for vehicles using American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials Load and Resistance Factor Design (AASHTO LRFD) specifications. Covers bridge type selection, preliminary design, bridge design loads, bridge deck design, shear design including strut-and-tie model, AASHTO limit states, torsion design, substructure design, and construction practices maintenance issues.
Course Details
3 Lecture Hours – 0 Lab Hours
Prerequisite: Grade of C or better in CE 4363 or CE 5309.
With Dr. Yazdani
Strength of Materials (UG)*
Number of Times Taught: 5
Average Enrollment: 35
Average Student Evaluation: VG
Concrete Design (UG)*
Number of Times Taught: 27
Average Enrollment: 45
Average Student Evaluation: E
Steel Design (UG)*
Number of Times Taught: 10
Average Enrollment: 43
Average Student Evaluation: VG
Advanced Concrete Design (UG, G)*
Number of Times Taught: 13
Average Enrollment: 45
Average Student Evaluation: E
Bridge Design (G)*
Number of Times Taught: 4
Average Enrollment: 10
Average Student Evaluation: E
Prestressed Concrete (UG, G)*
Number of Times Taught: 9
Average Enrollment: 20
Average Student Evaluation: E
Bridge Engineering(UG, G)*
Number of Times Taught: 2
Average Enrollment: 18
Average Student Evaluation: E
Timber Design (UG)*
Number of Times Taught: 8
Average Enrollment: 30
Average Student Evaluation: E
Masonry Design (UG)*
Number of Times Taught: 5
Average Enrollment: 25
Average Student Evaluation: E
Structural Analysis (UG)*
Number of Times Taught: 8
Average Enrollment: 38
Average Student Evaluation: VG
Indeterminate Structural Analysis (UG, G)*
Number of Times Taught: 6
Average Enrollment: 23
Average Student Evaluation: E
Structural Reliability(G)*
Number of Times Taught: 6
Average Enrollment: 15
Average Student Evaluation: E
Engineering Mechanics (UG)*
Number of Times Taught: 5
Average Enrollment: 66
Average Student Evaluation: E
Senior Design Project (UG)*
Number of Times Taught: 6
Average Enrollment: 39
Average Student Evaluation: E