Strengthening of Laterally Damaged Pre-stressed Concrete Bridge Girders with CFRP Laminates

There is an ongoing research proeject at the University of Texas at Arlington on repairing full- scale prestressed concrete bridge girders exposed to simulated lateral impact damage with carbon fiber reinforced polymers (CFRP). This research aims to utilizie the full strength of the CFRP by proposing and testing various types of anchorage systems.
The project has four phases:
- First Phase: Construction of 5 girders, then all of them will be pre-damaged by saw-cutting through the concrete and one of the prestressing strands.
- Second Phase: Repairing four of them using CFRP and an achorage system.
- Third Phase: Conducting of four-point flexural test.
- Fourth Phase: Finite element model will be developed to verify the results of the experiment.
Current Research Projects
Evaluation of Externally Applied FRP-Concrete Bond Strength Using Non-destructive Testing Methods
Load Test evaluation and Theoretical modeling of In-Service FRP strengthened Bridges
Strengthening of Elevated Slabs on Ground with Fiber-Reinforced Polymer (FRP) Systems
Bent Cap Repair of In-Service Bridges Using FRP Laminates
Strengthening of Laterally Damaged Pre-stressed Concrete Bridge Girders with CFRP Laminates