ABET Program Evaluation Services

Full Evaluation – Mock Visit

Evaluate programs and provide with recommendations for cost and time effective ways to meet accreditation criteria; give people practice in successfully and confidently interacting with program evaluators. Includes Self Study evaluation, transcript review, pre-visit e-mail questions and on-site evaluation. As close to an actual evaluation as possible, but also includes recommendations for low-cost, low-effort ways to close gaps in meeting the criteria.

Gap Analysis or Self Study Evaluation

A basic gap analysis with easy to implement solutions to close the gaps.

Self-Study Preparation and Edits

Develop Self-Study Report. Polish existing self-study to reflect the language of ABET as well as American English.

Respond to official ABET correspondences

Custom services to help close the gaps found during a general review or when preparing for an interim report or interim visit.

“Tune up” Program

The ABET criteria and interpretation change over time. This is a great way to avoid surprises without having to personally attend every ABET meeting.

Custom Solutions

Accreditation Preparation will design a solution to fit unique needs.