TxDOT GIS project

P.I.: Dr. Yazdani

A project is underway at the University of Texas at Arlington to develop a GIS-based database for Highway Elements of Interest (EOIs) in the TxDOT Fort Worth District. Some of the EOIs include Raised/Milled in Rumble Strips, Traffic Signals, Concrete Barriers, Bridges, Pavement Surface Type, and Age. TxDOT has a Geospatial Roadway Inventory Database (GRID). This project will focus on developing an interactive and complete database for a prioritized list of EOIs through the implementation of a web and mobile app. The app will be connected to the existing bridge database and the location and feature type will be collected for each EOI. For each element, manual GIS readings will be obtained. Thereafter, the GIS coordinates will be obtained from the corresponding datasets and cross-checked with the manually obtained values. Any deviations from the actual field values will be recorded and the deviations will be statistically analyzed for significance. Based on the results, the developed datasets will be modified and finalized.