Probabilistic Assessment of Bridge Failure Due to Vehicular Impact on Fiber-Reinforced Polymer Retrofitted Piers

Project Overview

This project, undertaken at the University of Texas at Arlington’s Civil Engineering Department under Dr. Nur Yazdani, focuses on assessing the probability of bridge failure due to vehicular impacts on bridge piers retrofitted with Fiber-Reinforced Polymers (FRP). It aims to determine probabilistic parameters for estimating bridge failure probabilities and to conduct a Cost-Benefit Analysis of different retrofitting alternatives to guide the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) in making cost-effective decisions on pier protection methods.

Role Name/Details
Principal Investigator Dr. Nur Yazdani
Graduate Research Assistant Sujan Subedi

Project Goals

  • Assess Bridge Failure Probability:To evaluate the likelihood of bridge failures due to vehicular collisions on FRP retrofitted piers.
  • Develop Probabilistic Parameters: To establish parameters for predicting the probability of such bridge failures.
  • Conduct Cost-Benefit Analysis: To compare different pier retrofitting alternatives and identify the most cost-effective solutions.
  • Inform Decision-Making for TxDOT:To provide TxDOT with data-driven insights for selecting appropriate pier protection methods.

Key Milestones

  • Completion of an Extensive Literature Review: Covering vehicular collisions on bridge piers and the application of FRP.
  • Successful Calibration in LS DYNA Modeling: For accurately simulating vehicular collisions.
  • Completion of Parametric Study: Incorporating various variables for vehicular collisions on FRP retrofitted bridge piers.
  • Development of Pulse-Loading Models: To simulate crash scenarios realistically.
  • Creation of Performance-Based Design Guidelines: For assessing the structural demand of impacted bridge piers.
  • Execution of Risk-Based Data Analysis: To determine the probability of pier collapse under collision conditions.
  • Finalization of Cost-Benefit Analysis: Among different pier protection options.
  • Development of a Decision Tree: To assist in choosing the best protection alternative during vehicular collisions.