NSF RET Site on Research Experience for Teachers in Hazard Mitigation
Research Experiences for Teachers
Research Experiences for Teachers in Engineering (RET) is a program funded by the National Science Foundation with the overarching goal of involving “middle and high school STEM teachers in engineering research in order to bring knowledge of engineering and technological innovation to the pre-college classroom.” (NSF, 2007)
With the heightened awareness of issues related to natural disasters, homeland security and information security/identity theft, the research projects to be conducted at the UT Arlington RET site are designed to advance knowledge within and across the fields of civil engineering, computer science and industrial engineering, and electrical engineering.

Participants are working with UT Arlington researchers on research projects for six weeks during the summer, and follow-up activities at the schools and classrooms of the participating teachers are being undertaken. As a result of the experiences, teachers will have the opportunity to relate “real world” issues to their students from engineering and research perspectives, including discussions of ethical implications.