• “Investor overconfidence and options trading,” with Han-Sheng Chen, presented at the University of Vermont.
  • “The determinants of U.S. share of trading volume in cross-listed stocks and post-decimalization changes in the U.S. share,” presented at Drexel University, Oklahoma State University, and the University of Texas at Arlington.
  • “The impact of U.S. decimalization on the Canadian stocks cross-listed in the U.S.,” with Henry Oppenheimer, presented at Iowa State University and the University of Central Florida.
  • “Cross-border listings and price discovery: Evidence from U.S.-listed Canadian stocks,” with Cheol S. Eun, presented at Kansas State University, Mercer University, the University of Rhode Island, and the University of Arkansas.
  • “On the Purchase versus Production of Information: Concentrated Institutional Shareholders as Substitutes for Outside Analysts,” with Stephen D. Smith, presented at the Atlanta Finance Forum, Georgia State University.