Chair, Tenure & Promotion Committee, Summer 2016–Summer 2018. (Member since Fall 2009.)
Grade Appeals Committee, 2012–2013 and Fall 2014–Summer 2018.
Journal Ranking Committee, Fall 2014–Summer 2016.
Periodic Administrative Review Committee for Department Chair, 2007–2008 and 2015–2016.
Chairperson of the Recruiting Committee, 2011–2012, 2012–2013, and 2014–2015.
Coordinator of Doctoral Comprehensive Exams, Fall 2011–Fall 2013.
Assurance of Learning Committee, 2008–2013.
Primary person responsible for Assurance of Learning and Online Assessment Tracking System (OATS) for the department, Spring 2010–Spring 2013.
Provided the initial faculty involvement in support of the external internship programs of the department, 2009–2010 and 2010–2011.
Faculty Recruiting Committee, 2004–2005, 2005–2006, 2007–2008, 2009–2010, 2010–2011, and 2013–2014.
College of Business
Co-organizer of the Research Incubator Seminar Series Committee, since Spring 2013.
Dean Search Committee, 2017-2018 and 2012.
Research Awards Committee, Spring 2017–Summer 2018.
Served as Peer Observer of Teaching for Professors George Benson (Fall 2019); Mahmut Yasar (Summer 2017); Salil Sarkar (Summer 2017); Sriram Villupuram (Spring 2017); Emmanuel Morales-Camargo (Spring 2016); Grace Hao (Spring 2016); David Rakowski (Spring 2016); and John Adams (Fall 2015).
Strategic Planning Steering Committee, 2014–2016.
Received training for peer observation of teaching in Summer 2015.
Tenure & Promotion Committee, Fall 2016–Summer 2018.
MBA Assurance of Learning Committee, Fall 2016–Summer 2018.
Research Colloquia Committee, Fall 2013–Summer 2016.
Teaching Awards Committee, Spring 2011-Spring 2017.
Research Databases and Programs Committee, Fall 2013–Summer 2017.
Grant Proposal Incentive Program Committee, 2012.
Undergraduate Curriculum Content and Evaluation Committee, Spring 2008–Fall 2012.
Assurance of Learning Committee, 2009–2010.
BBA-BA-BS Taskforce for Meeting 120 Credit Hours Rule, Spring 2007.
Selection Committee, UTA Nominees for the Regents’ Outstanding Teaching Award, Spring 2022 and Fall 2017.
Leadership Committee of the Academy of Distinguished Teachers, Fall 2012–Summer 2018.
Review committee for the William S. Ward Endowment Prize for non-tenure-track faculty, Summer 2012.
University Center Advisory Committee, Fall 2009–Summer 2018.
Others: Served as a reviewer for UT Arlington’s ACES (The Annual Celebration of Excellence by Students) Symposium, 2014; participated in UT Arlington’s online “Faculty Profile System” focus group in Spring 2013; and participated in the College of Business Strategic Planning Senior Faculty focus group in Spring 2013.
University of Rhode Island
Information Technology Committee of the College of Business Administration, 2002–2003 and 2003–2004.
Faculty Awards Committee of the College of Business Administration, Fall 2003.
Search Committee, 2000-2001 and 2001–2002.
Strategic Planning Committee of the College of Business Administration, 2001–2002.