Holind, India (a subsidiary of Holderbank Management & Consulting, Switzerland)
Management Consultant, 1991–95
Worked on projects in Africa, Asia, and Europe, including projects funded by the World Bank and the Danish International Development Agency.
Advised the Swiss parent company on investment opportunities in India.
Proctor & Gamble Ltd., India
Entry-level management position, 1991; worked on issues related to Proctor and Gamble’s existing and future brands that were to be launched in India.
Florida Power & Light Company, Miami
Intern, 1990; performed financial analysis and developed economic decision-making models.
Pan American World Airways, Inc., Miami
Intern, 1989; designed and developed a budgeting system for international sales departments.
Britannia Industries Ltd., India (a subsidiary of RJR Nabisco, Inc.)
Entry-level management position; 1987–88; managed a computerization project and assisted in financial planning and in production planning & management.