Holind, India (a subsidiary of Holderbank Management & Consulting, Switzerland)
  • Management Consultant, 1991–95
  • Worked on projects in Africa, Asia, and Europe, including projects funded by the World Bank and the Danish International Development Agency.
  • Advised the Swiss parent company on investment opportunities in India.
Proctor & Gamble Ltd., India
  • Entry-level management position, 1991; worked on issues related to Proctor and Gamble’s existing and future brands that were to be launched in India.
Florida Power & Light Company, Miami
  • Intern, 1990; performed financial analysis and developed economic decision-making models.
Pan American World Airways, Inc., Miami
  • Intern, 1989; designed and developed a budgeting system for international sales departments.
Britannia Industries Ltd., India (a subsidiary of RJR Nabisco, Inc.)
  • Entry-level management position; 1987–88; managed a computerization project and assisted in financial planning and in production planning & management.