“Investor overconfidence and options trading,” with Han-Sheng Chen, presented at the University of Vermont.
“The determinants of U.S. share of trading volume in cross-listed stocks and post-decimalization changes in the U.S. share,” presented at Drexel University, Oklahoma State University, and the University of Texas at Arlington.
“The impact of U.S. decimalization on the Canadian stocks cross-listed in the U.S.,” with Henry Oppenheimer, presented at Iowa State University and the University of Central Florida.
“Cross-border listings and price discovery: Evidence from U.S.-listed Canadian stocks,” with Cheol S. Eun, presented at Kansas State University, Mercer University, the University of Rhode Island, and the University of Arkansas.
“On the Purchase versus Production of Information: Concentrated Institutional Shareholders as Substitutes for Outside Analysts,” with Stephen D. Smith, presented at the Atlanta Finance Forum, Georgia State University.