Program committee for the 2022 Eastern Finance Association Meeting, Washington, DC; 2021 Financial Management Association Meeting, Denver; 2021 Eastern Finance Association Meeting, Online; 2020 Financial Management Association Meeting, Online; 2020 Eastern Finance Association Meeting, Online; 2019 Southern Finance Association Meeting, Orlando; 2019 Financial Management Association Meeting, New Orleans; 2019 Eastern Finance Association Meeting, Miami; 2018 Financial Management Association Meeting, San Diego; 2018 Financial Management Association European Meeting, Kristiansand, Norway; 2017 Financial Management Association European Meeting, Lisbon, Portugal; 2016 Eastern Finance Association Meeting, Baltimore, Maryland; 2016 Southwestern Finance Association Meeting, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma; 2015 Southern Finance Association Meeting, Captiva Island, Florida; 2015 World Finance & Banking Symposium, Hanoi, Vietnam; 2012 Financial Management Association Meetings, Atlanta, Georgia; 2009 Financial Management Association Meetings, Reno, Nevada; 2008 Eastern Finance Association Meetings, St. Pete Beach, Florida; 2004 Financial Management Association Meetings, New Orleans, Louisiana; and 2002 Eastern Finance Association Meetings, Baltimore, Maryland.
Discussant at several conferences.
Assisted in the organization of the annual International Finance Conference, Atlanta, 1996–00. This conference has hosted outstanding scholars, including several Nobel laureates.
Activities Related to the CFA Program
Working with the Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) Institute since 1999 on the development and revision of readings for the CFA program.
Readings worked on include Credit Analysis Models; Economics of Regulation; Equity Valuation; Fixed Income; Hypothesis Testing; International Finance; International Financial Statement Analysis; Introduction to Equity Portfolio Management; Introduction to Linear Regression; Investment Performance Management; Probability Concepts; Quantitative Methods for Investment; and Risk Management.
Listed as a contributor in the third edition of Quantitative Investment Analysis, a part of the CFA Institute Investment Series with Wiley publishing.
Other Professional Activities
Symposium on Enhancing Experiential Learning through the Maverick Advantage, University of Texas at Arlington, October 4, 2019.
AACSB Seminar for Department Chairs, Tampa, Florida, May 2019.
UTA Academic Programs Workshop, April 17, 2019.
Business and Economics/Digital Learning Webinars, Pearson, December 2020, March 2019, and October 2018.
Bloomberg Market Concepts Certificate of Completion, June 2017.
Professional Development Series Virtual Events, McGraw-Hill Education, October 2017.
Engaging Today’s Students: Maximizing the Potential of Each Learner
Online Learning: Are Students Adequately Setup for Success?
Quoted in an article on the stock market and Covid-19 on on May 29, 2020.
Featured in (i) an article on the best small cities to live in the U.S. and (ii) an article on business credit cards on, an outlet covering the personal finance industry, on October 30, 2017, and March 10, 2020, respectively.