For our third podcast episode, we are talking to Dr. Andy Milson. Dr. Milson has shared great, concrete ideas about teaching and his use of rich dialogue and discussions in his courses. He also discussed where he gets his teaching ideas.
Dr. Milson is a professor of historical geography in the Department of History and Geography, where he teaches courses in human, historical, regional, and urban geography. In 2020, he was inducted into the UT Arlington Academy of Distinguished Teachers.
Dr. Milson has published extensively in the field of geography education and has twice received the Best Article Award from the Journal of Geography. His most recent research has focused on travel and exploration in 19th-century North America. Dr. Milson is currently serving as Chair of the UTA Faculty Senate from 2023 to 2025.
Questions posed in this podcast:
- Tell us about your background teaching at UTA.
- What is your worldview of teaching?
- What is an idea or mentor or teacher who changed your way of teaching?
- What are some of your best teaching ideas, and activities with students?
- Describe a time with students when you felt truly inspired and what made you feel that way?
- Who do you network with and where do you go to find information related to teaching?
- Looking back at your career, what is something you would say to your younger self?
“How can I improve my teaching? What stories do educators have to share?” The Pedagogy NEXT podcast series showcases and celebrates teaching stories and insights from award-winning faculty members and university administrators who directly or indirectly support teaching. Hosted by The UT Arlington Academy of Distinguished Teachers in partnership with OIT and the Center for Distance Education, we feature a storytelling focus that showcases the diverse voices of educators and others who can support learning excellence in higher education and UT Arlington. The aim is to share experiences, ideas, innovations, and inspirations to develop reflective teaching and excellence in practice for the greater good of higher education. The podcast has a companion blog with show notes and resources for further learning. The companion blog is at:
We hope the ideas shared in the podcast help you as a reflective educator. For any questions or comments, contact Peggy Semingson at
Subscribe on Apple podcasts, Spotify, YouTube, and Amazon. We will share links for our companion website/blog which is coming soon so stay tuned for that. The podcast hosts and production team includes Pete Smith, LaDonna Aiken, Carla Amaro-Jimenez, and myself, Peggy Semingson. Behind-the-scenes support from our thought partners and experts in OIT include Lee Pierce, J. Howard Prince, and Cyrus Haskell. Dakota Jimenez in Center for Distance Education is helping produce.
Disclaimer: All views shared are the perspectives of individual faculty and do not reflect the views of UT Arlington or the Academy of Distinguished Teachers.