Here are some links that might be helpful for linguistics, psycholinguistics, and SLA courses:
- Academic Word List (1)
- Academic Word List (2)
- Academic Word List (3)
- Academic Word List Highlighter
- Aphasic Patient Video (Broca’s Aphasia)
- Aphasic Patient Video (Wernicke’s Aphasia)
- Attitude/Motivation Test Battery (AMTB)
- Change Blindness 1
- Change Blindness 2
- Compleat Lexical Tutor
- Compleat Lexical Tutor Vocabulary Profiler
- Dolch Words
- Feral Children
- Frequency Based Vocabulary Tests (through Compleat Lexical Tutor)
- iGE: the interactive Grammar of English
- LLAMA Language Aptitude Tests
- Masked Priming Demo
- McGurk Effect Demo
- New General Service List
- Sinewave Speech Examples
- Sinewave Speech Information
- Stroop Task Demo
- Stop the Catbox
- Strategy Inventory for Language Learning (SILL)
- Witzelsucht