This experiment can only be run on a PC running a Windows operating system. It will not work on a Mac.
You will also need a standard (qwerty) keyboard. A touchscreen keyboard will not work.
In this experiment, you will read sentences one word at a time on your computer screen.
Each sentence will first appear on the screen as a series of dashes. To see the first word of the sentence, you will press the RIGHT CTRL key. After you read that word, you will again press the RIGHT CTRL key. The first word will then disappear and the next word will appear. You will then proceed in this way – pressing RIGHT CTRL to show the next word – until you have read all of the words in the sentence.
After you read through all of the words in the sentence, a comprehension question will appear on the screen. If the answer to this question is YES, press the RIGHT CTRL key. If the answer to this question is NO, press the LEFT CTRL key.
This reading task will take about 20 minutes to complete.
All you need to do is click on the link below. This will download an .exe file, which you can then run to do the task. When you finish, press the spacebar, and the results will be sent automatically.
If you would like to stop the task, you may press the ESC key at any time. Note, however, that you will not be able to return to where you stopped.
One final point: The task won’t run correctly if you are running other programs in the background that might pop up windows. So please close other programs before continuing.