This experiment can only be run on a PC running a Windows operating system. It will not work on a Mac. You will also need a standard (qwerty) keyboard. A touchscreen keyboard will not work.
In this experiment, you will do a lexical decision task.
In this task, you will hear English words (like ‘horse’) and things that SOUND like English words but aren’t (like ‘harse’). For each item, you will press the RIGHT CTRL KEY if it is a word or the LEFT CTRL KEY if it is NOT a word. You should respond as quickly as possible, but without making too many errors.
Note that you will be listening to these items on your computer, so please check that your volume is set to a comfortable level before you begin. It would probably also be best to use headphones for this task. That way, you will be able to hear each item clearly.
All you need to do is click on the link below. This will download an .exe file, which you can then run to do the task. When you finish, press the spacebar, and the results will be sent automatically.