The IMSE Dept. Celebrates the Third Annual Awards Banquet

The Industrial, Manufacturing and Systems Engineering Department hosted the 3rd Annual Awards Banquet to honor graduating students and outstanding undergraduate and graduate students with awards and scholarship on Thursday, April 23 at 5:30pm at the College Park Center on UT Arlington’s campus.

UTA IMSE Dept. 3rd Annual Awards Banquet
UTA College of Engineering annual banquet at College Park Center in Arlington, Texas on April 23, 2015. (Photo by/Sharon Ellman)

“The IMSE Awards Banquet gives us a chance to recognize our students’ achievements over the past year,” said Dr. Paul Componation, the IMSE department chair.

After a catered dinner, the UT Arlington College of Engineering Dean, Dr. Khosrow Behbehani, gave the keynote speech.

The approximately 100 guests included the faculty, staff and members of the advisory board.  All guests enjoyed a formal, catered dinner.

“The event takes place on the same day as our Advisory Board meeting, so that our board members can attend and meet our students,” said Dr. Victoria Chen, an IMSE professor.

Dr. Chen said her favorite part of the evening is interacting with the students.

Third Annual IMSE Awards Banquet

The Industrial, Manufacturing and Systems Engineering Department hosted the 3rd Annual Awards Banquet to honor graduating students and outstanding undergraduate and graduate students with awards and scholarship on Thursday, April 23 at 5:30pm at the College Park Center on UT Arlington’s campus.

“The IMSE Awards Banquet gives us a chance to recognize our students’ achievements over the past year,” said Dr. Paul Componation, the IMSE department chair.

After a catered dinner, the UT Arlington College of Engineering Dean, Dr. Khosrow Behbehani, gave the keynote speech.

The approximately 100 guests included the faculty, staff and members of the advisory board.  All guests enjoyed a formal, catered dinner.

“The event takes place on the same day as our Advisory Board meeting, so that our board members can attend and meet our students,” said Dr. Victoria Chen, an IMSE professor.

Dr. Chen said her favorite part of the evening is interacting with the students.

Third Annual IMSE Awards Banquet Celebrates Students

IMSE Department Gets a Name Change

The Department of Industrial and Manufacturing Systems Engineering has officially changed its name to the Department of Industrial, Manufacturing, and Systems Engineering. In the upcoming weeks, our website will reflect the name change.

COE Thanks Dr. Chen with Reception

The College of Engineering hosted a reception in honor of Dr. Victoria Chen to thank her for her two-year service as the Interim Chair of the IMSE Department. Dr. Chen stepped in as the Interim Chair in 2012 when Dr. Don Liles retired as the chairperson. The IMSE Department hired Dr. Paul Componation as the new Chair in July. Under Dr. Chen’s leadership, the department has grown in the number of students enrolled and in the amount of research funding received. Current and former students, along with faculty, staff, and Dr. Chen’s family attended the reception on July 18. It was held in The University Club on the the campus of The University of Texas at Arlington.

Photos of the event can be viewed on the IMSE Department’s Facebook photo album: Dr. Chen Thank You Reception.

New Chair’s Message to IMSE Family

It is an honor to serve as the next Chair of the Industrial & Manufacturing Systems Engineering Department at UTA.  The University and Department are experiencing tremendous growth so the job is even more exciting.  This growth opens up many opportunities and challenges for us, ones that I am looking forward to meeting with you.

The academic community is experiencing significant changes.  Increased attention on costs, greater competition, and decreasing federal budgets are all putting pressure on us to rethink how we do business.  Likewise we also see new technologies, new education models, and an increased interest in science, technology, engineering and mathematics fields.  It’s critical that we prepare our faculty, staff and students for the changing educational environment of the 21st century.

I would like to thank Dr. Chen and Dr. Liles for their leadership serving the department over these past years.  IMSE has made significant gains under their tenure and this has made my job that much easier!

Written by
Dr. Paul Componation, IMSE Chair

Dr. Rogers Receives IIE Fellow Award

Dr. Jamie RogersJamie Rogers, Ph.D., P.E. recently received the Institute of Industrial Engineers (IIE) Fellow Award which was presented to her during the IIE Annual Conference & Expo 2014, held May 31 – June 3 at the Palais des Congrés de Montréal. This award recognizes outstanding leaders of the profession who have made significant, nationally recognized contributions to industrial engineering. A fellow is the highest classification of IIE membership.

Dr. Rogers is a Professor and Associate Chair for the Industrial and Manufacturing Systems Engineering Department at The University of Texas at Arlington. She  has won several teaching awards such as the University of Texas System Regents’ Outstanding Teacher (2012) and the UTA Chancellor’s Council Award for Teaching Excellence (1999). In 2013, she was inducted into the University of Missouri Industrial and Manufacturing Systems Engineering Hall of Fame and was nominated for the prestigious Piper Professor. In 2011, she was inducted into the UT Arlington Academy of Distinguished Teachers.

In addition to her excellence in teaching, she  has contributed to the improvement of the IE Program in schools across the nation. She is the 2014-2015 President of ABET (Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology) and has served as a volunteer for many years. She is also the Faculty Advisor for the Gold Award winning UT Arlington Student Chapter of the Institute of Industrial Engineers. She is a member of the American Society for Engineering Education, AAUW, Tau Beta Pi, Alpha Pi Mu, Omega Rho, Omicron Delta Kappa, Pi Kappa Phi, Sigma Xi, SWE, and Order of the Engineer.  Dr. Rogers was responsible for the creation of the M.S. Logistics Program at UT Arlington, an innovative joint program with the College of Business and College of Engineering, approved by the UT System Board of Regents in 1999 and she served as Graduate Advisor from 1999-2013.

Dr. Rogers received her B.S. in Industrial Engineering from The University of Missouri at Columbia, and her M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in Industrial Engineering from UT Arlington.

New IMSE Chair Announced

The Dean of the College of Engineering, Dr. Behbehani, has officially announced a new chair for the Industrial and Manufacturing Systems Engineering Department. Effective July 7, Dr. Paul Componation will join the IMSE Department as Chair, replacing Dr. Victoria Chen who has been serving as the Interim Chair for the department since September 2012. Dr. Chen will continue as a professor with the department.

Dr. Componation is currently Professor and Director of Graduate Education for Engineering Management in the Department of Industrial and Manufacturing Systems at Iowa State University. He has also worked in various roles at the University of Alabama in Huntsville, West Virginia University, the University of Central Florida, and Albright College. He also has experience working in industry for BDM Federal Sonoco Products Company and as a resident researcher in Systems Engineering at Marshall Space Flight Center and an engineering officer in the U.S. Air Force.

Dr. Componation has a Ph.D. in Industrial Engineering from West Virginia University. He received an M.S. Management degree from Troy State University and a B.S. Industrial Engineering degree from West Virginia University. He is the author of co-author of 78 books, journal publications, and conference proceedings and presentations. He is a Fellow of the America Society for Engineering Management, a Senior Member of the Institute of Industrial Engineers, and a member of the International Council on Systems Engineering and ASEE.

His research interests include the “development and optimization of complex systems in aerospace, transportation, and energy; decision analysis in distributed engineering design teams; utilization of technical and qualitative data in parametric cost modeling for aerospace systems; adaption of value-driven design in systems engineering enterprise; and the use of lean principles as an agent for organizational transformation.”

The department is very pleased to welcome him and look forward to his leadership. Look for an official University press release coming soon.

For further details, read UTA’s official press release.

Congratulations to Spring 2014 Graduates!

The College of Engineering Commencement Ceremony was held on Saturday, May 10 at College Park Center to honor the Spring 2014 graduating class. Krish Prabhu, President and Chief Technology Office of AT&T Labs, presented the commencement address.  In honor of all the Spring 2014 IE graduates, the IMSE Department would like to congratulate each one of them for a job well done. The Spring 2014 IE graduates, as published in The Shorthorn are:

College of Engineering Graduation

Ph.D in Industrial Engineering

  • Sulaiman Hamad Al Jedaie, Dissertation Title: Inventory Pooling in Petroleum Upstream Logistics Network
  • Mohammed A. Al-Mansouri, Dissertation Title: Facility Capital Equipment and Labor Decision Support System Using a Discrete-Event Simulation and Bottleneck Detection Approach
  • Asama Kulvanitchaiyanunt, Dissertation Title: Design and Analysis of Computer Experiment-Based Approach to Approximate an Infinite Horizon Dynamic

Master of Engineering in Industrial Engineering

  • Shui Biu Ho

Master of Science in Engineering Management

  • Ravi Teja Doppalapudi
  • Surya Deep Gunnam
  • Steve V. Illyes
  • Dhaneesha Lanke
  • Praneeth Chandra Movva
  • Joseph Michael Munn
  • Esteban Pedraza
  • Hemaraj Sampath Kumar
  • Sheng Hsuan Wu

Master of Science in Industrial Engineering

  • Neim Aiderous Abubeker
  • Santosh Adivi
  • Seepong Aiumjaroen
  • Shanmukha Srinivas Badam
  • Karthika Harini Boobathy
  • Robert Wallace Combs
  • Sri Harsha Raju Datla
  • Banuchandar Esakkimuthu
  • Shalini Jagata
  • Holta Karruli
  • Mitali Prasad Khadilkar
  • Veneesha Kimmireddy
  • Jay Amit Oza
  • Srikar Krishna Rajagopal

Master of Science in Logistics

  • Mrugank Nandan Borgalkar
  • Elena Ogorodnikova

Master of Science in Systems Engineering

  • Leonard Best
  • Matthew Lee Craig
  • Jazmin Adriana Guzman
  • Ashok Sisodia

Bachelor of Science in Industrial Engineering

  • Rohit Prashad Acharya
  • Ahmad T. Alsmadi
  • Harrison D. Armstrong
  • Angela Colleen Bradshaw
  • Yazmin S. Chalico
  • Eryka Dira
  • Vanessa Duran
  • Mekdes A. Girmash
  • Benjamin William Howison
  • Anna T. Mai
  • Walter J. Mulflur
  • Santosh Paudel
  • Gustavo A. Robles
  • Muhammet U. Sarilar
  • Loc Vinh Truong
  • Jarrett Kale Walden
  • Mewan Wijemanne
  • Ting Xiao

Congratulations to all these graduates!

In case you missed the ceremony, you can view the video and photos of the event online.