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Dr. Paul Componation, IMSE Dept. Chair gives the opening remarks
Dr. Paul Componation, IMSE Dept. Chair gives the opening remarks
Dr. Paul Componation, IMSE Dept. Chair gives the opening remarks
UT Arlington College of Engineering Dean, Dr. Khosrow Behbehani, gave the keynote speech
Dr. Paul Componation, IMSE Dept. Chair gives the opening remarks
UT Arlington College of Engineering Dean, Dr. Khosrow Behbehani, gave the keynote speech
UT Arlington College of Engineering Dean, Dr. Khosrow Behbehani, gave the keynote speech
The G.T. Stevens Endowed Alumni Scholarship Award Recipients: Jasmine Lucero (not pictured), Kristopher Leonhardt, and Danny Thomas John
The Elinor Pape Endowed Scholarship Award Recipients: Nahal Sakhavand and Cynthia Rodriguez
The Elinor Pape Endowed Scholarship Award Recipients: Nahal Sakhavand and Cynthia Rodriguez
The Keith and Carolyn Weiss Industrial Engineering Scholarship Award Recipient: Joshua Bolton
The Weiss Family Endowed Scholarship in Industrial Engineering Award Recipient: Yara Hussein
The John and Pat Priest Endowed Scholarship Award Recipient: April Shortt
The Outstanding Institute of Industrial Engineers Junior and Senior Award Recipients: Khanh “Tyka” Do and Cynthia Rodriguez