Reflections of Zarathustra on the Sublimity and Bountifulness of Ahura

1. Salvation to this man, salvation to him whosoever (he may be)! Let the absolutely ruling Great Creator grant (us, He) the living Lord, the two eternal powers. Yea, verily, I ask it of Thee (O Ahura) for the maintaining Righteousness. And may’st Thou also give it to me, (O inspiring) Piety! splendour (as it is), holy blessings, the Good Mind’s life.
2. Yea, to this one may the man endowed with glory give that best of all things, the (spiritual) glory. And do Thou likewise (Thyself) reveal Thine own (gifts) through Thy most bountiful spirit, O Mazda! (And do Thou teach us) Thy wonderful thoughts of wisdom, those of Thy Good Mind, which Thou hast revealed (to us) by Thy Righteousness (within us) with the happy increase of (our joy), and on a long life’s every day.
3. And may that (holy man) approach toward that which is the better than the good, he who will show to us the straight paths of (spiritual) profit, (the blessings) of this corporeal life, and of that the mental, in those veritably real (eternal) worlds, where dwells Ahura; (that holy man) an offerer of Thine, O Mazda! a faithful citizen, and bountiful of (mind).
4. Yea, I will regard Thee as mighty and likewise bountiful, O Mazda! when (I behold) those aids of grace (approach me), aids which Thou dost guard and nurture as (Thy) just awards to the wicked (to hold him far from us), as well as to the righteous (for our help), Thy Fire’s flame therewith so strong through the Holy Order, and when to me the Good Mind’s power comes.
5. (For) so I conceived of Thee as bountiful, O Great Giver, Mazda! when I beheld Thee as supreme in the generation of life, when, as rewarding deeds and words, Thou didst establish evil for the evil, and happy blessings for the good, by Thy (great) virtue (to be adjudged to each) in the creation’s final change.
6. In which (last) changing Thou shalt come, and with Thy bounteous spirit, and Thy sovereign power, O Ahura Mazda! by deeds of whom the settlements are furthered through the Righteous Order. And saving regulations likewise unto these shall Aramaiti utter, (she, our Piety within us), yea, (laws) of Thine understanding which no man may deceive.
7. Yea, I conceived of Thee as bountiful, O Great Giver Mazda! when he (Thy messenger, Obedience) drew near me, and asked me thus: Who art thou? And whose is thine allegiance? And how to-day shall I show the signs that give the light on this (our) question, (signs) as to the lands (from whence thou earnest) and in thyself?
8. Then to him I, Zarathustra, as my first answer, said: To the wicked (would that I could be) in very truth a strong tormentor and avenger, but to the righteous may I be a mighty help and joy, since to preparations for Thy Kingdom, and in desire (for its approach), I would devote myself so long as to Thee, O Mazda! I may praise, and weave my song.
9. Yea, I conceived of Thee as bountiful, O Ahura Mazda! When (Thine herald) with Thy Good Mind near approached me, and asked me thus: For what dost thou desire that thou may’st gain, and that thou may’st know it? Then for Thy Fire an offering of praise and holiness (I desired. And on that offering for myself) as long as I have the power, will I meditate, (and for its holy power among Thy people will I plan).
10. And may’st Thou likewise grant me (Thy) Righteousness (within me), since I earnestly invoke that perfect readiness (of mind), joining in my prayer with Aramaiti (our Piety toward Thee. Yea, pray Thou Thyself within me through these holy powers). Ask Thou (Thyself) our questions, those which shall be asked by us of Thee; for a question asked by Thee (as its inspirer), is as the question of the mighty, whene’er Thy (?) ruler speaks his potent wish.
11. Yea, I conceived of Thee as bountiful, O Ahura Mazda! when (Thy messenger) with Thy Good Mind near approached me, and with your words I first impressed (my soul). Woes then ‘midst men Thy heart-devoted one declared (to be) my (portion); but that will I do which Thou did’st say was best.
12. And since Thou, coming thus. Thy legal Righteousness in fulness spakest, then declare not to me words as yet unheard (with faith or knowledge; command me not) to go forth (with these upon my task) before Thy Sraosha (Obedience) comes to me, to go on hand in hand with me with holy recompense and mighty splendour, whereby to give the contending throngs (?), as a blessing, (Your) spiritual gifts (of certainty and peace).
13. Thus I conceived of Thee as bounteous, O Ahura Mazda! when with Thy Good Mind (Sraosha, Obedience) approached me. (And I would therefore pray thus of Thee, that bounteous one.) In order that I may make known to men the true and sacred aims of their desires (in the rite or daily toil), grant Ye me long life for this, (that blessing) which none with daring may extort from You, even this (gift) of that desired place which has been declared to be within Thy Realm.
14. Yea, as the man enlightened (in Thy law), and who has possessions, gives to his friends, (so give Ye) me, O Great Creator! Thy rejoicing and abounding grace, when through Thy sovereign Power, and from (the motive of Thy cause of) Righteous Order I stand forth to go out to, or to arouse, the chiefs of Thy (pure) proclamation, with all those (others) who recite Thy well-remembered Mathra word.
15. Yea, I conceived of Thee as bounteous, O Ahura Mazda! when with the Good Mind’s grace Thy Sraosha (Obedience) approached me, (and said): Let the quiet and long-enduring better mind with understanding teach (thee); let not a foremost man conciliate the wicked (as sycophant desiring aid), for with that (quiet mind of faith), Thy saints have brought full many a sinner unto Thee (as convert, and in penitence).
16. Thus, O Ahura Mazda! this Zarathustra loves the Spirit, and every man most bounteous prays (beside him): Be Righteousness life-strong, and clothed with body. In that (holy) Realm which shines (with splendour) as the sun, let Piety be present; and may she through the indwelling of Thy Good Mind give us blessings in reward for deeds!

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