In the first and second centuries Christianity grew rapidly in the Roman world. In the great age of the Pax Romana the Roman emperors were faced with a “superstition” that drove people away from their praise of the emperor and the Empire. The Romans tried to eradicate the Christians by persecuting them in public.
Account by Tacitus
Therefore to check this rumor, those, who where called Christians by the mob and hated for their moral enormities, were substituted in his place as culprits by Nero and afflicted with the most exquisite punishments. Christ, from whom the name was given, was put to death during the reign of Tiberius, by the procurator Pontius Pilate. Although checked for the time, this pernicious superstition broke out again not only in Judea, where the evil originated, but throughout the City, in which the atrocities and shame from all parts of the world center and flourish. Therefore those who confessed were first seized, then on their information a great multitude were convicted, not so much of the crime of incendiarism, as of hatred of the human race. The victims who perished also suffered insults, for some were covered with the skins of wild beasts and torn to pieces by dogs, while others were fixed to crosses and burnt to light the night when daylight had failed. Nero had offered his gardens for the spectacle and was giving a circus show, mingling with the people in the dress of a driver, or speeding about in a chariot. Although they were criminals who deserved the most severe punishment, yet a feeling of pity arose, since they were put to death not for the public good but to satisfy the rage of an individual.
Account by Suetonius
In his reign many things were severely censured and suppressed and many also instituted: a limit was set to lavish expenditure; public dinners were reduced to doles; cook-shops were forbidden to sell any prepared food except pulse or herbs, whereas formerly all kinds of relishes had been offered; Christians, a class of men of a new and vicious superstition, were subjected to severe punishment; the quadriga races were forbidden, because the charioteers wandered about, and by long license, assumed the right to make a jest of cheating and stealing; the partisans of the pantomimes were banished, together with the actors themselves to prevent forgery, means were first devised by which no document was to be sealed until it had been perforated and a thread run through three times.
Account by Clement
V. But to leave ancient examples, let us come to the recent champions, let us take the noble examples furnished by our own generation. On account of emulation and envy, those who were faithful and most righteous pillars of the Church have suffered persecution even unto death.
Let us set before our eyes the holy Apostles. Peter by unjust envy endured not one or two, but many sufferings; and so, made a martyr, he departed to the place of glory due him. On account of envy Paul obtained the reward of patience, after he had been seven times in bonds, and had been whipped and stoned. He preached in the East and in the West and received the glorious reward of his faith. He taught the whole world righteousness, and coming to the extreme West he suffered martyrdom under the governors, so that he departed from the world and went to his holy place, a great example of patience.
VI. Unto these men of holy lives was joined a vast multitude of the elect who, suffering much disgrace and many torments on account of envy, were a most noble example for us. On account of envy, women were tormented; Danaides and Dirce, when they suffered severe and unjust punishments, persevered in their constant faith, and though weak in body received a glorious reward. Envy has alienated women from their husbands and has changed that saying of our father Adam: “This is now bone of my bone and flesh of my flesh.” Envy and strife have overturned great cities and rooted out great nations.
VII. These things, beloved, we write not only for your instruction, but also for your own remembrance; for we are in the same lists and the same contest is imposed upon us.
Account by Sulpicius Severus
Then he began to rage against the Christians. Afterwards he even made laws forbidding the religion, and published edicts, ordering that Christianity should not exist. At this time Paul and Peter were condemned; one of them was beheaded. Peter was crucified.
The Flavian Policy
It is reported that Titus previously summoned a council to deliberate as to whether a building of such wonderful workmanship as the Temple should be destroyed. Some thought that this sacred edifice, glorious beyond human construction, ought not to be destroyed, and that, if it were preserved it would furnish evidence of Roman moderation, but if destroyed, it would be an everlasting proof of cruelty. On the other hand, others, and even Titus himself, were of the opinion that the Temple ought to be destroyed, particularly in order that the religions of the Jews and Christians should be completely rooted out, for granting that these religions are opposed to each other, yet they were both originated by the same authors. The Christians sprang from the Jews ; the root being destroyed, the branch would soon perish. Thus the spirits of all were roused and by the will of God the Temple was destroyed three hundred and thirty-one years ago.
Account by Cassius Dio
At this time the road leading from Sinuessa to Puteoli was paved with stones. And in the same year Domitian put to death, besides many others, his cousin Flavius Clemens, who was then consul, and the wife of Flavius, Flavia Domitilla, who was his own relative. The crime charged against both was sacrilege. On the same charge many others who had adopted Jewish customs were condemned. Some were put to death, others had their property confiscated. Domitilla was exiled alone on Pandataria.
Account by Suetonius
Finally, on the very slightest suspicion, he suddenly slew, before he was fairly out of his consulship his cousin, Flavius Clemens, a man of most contemptible indolence, whose sons, when mere children, he had publicly designated as his successors and had ordered, after having dropped their own names, the one to take the name Vespasian, and the other, Domitian.
Pliny’s Letter to Emperor Trajan
It is my custom, my Lord, to refer to you all things concerning which I am in doubt. For who can better guide my indecision or enlighten my ignorance?
I have never taken part in the trials of Christians: hence I do not know for what crime nor to what extent it is customary to punish or investigate. I have been in no little doubt as to whether any discrimination is made for age, or whether the treatment of the weakest does not differ from that of the stronger; whether pardon is granted in case of repentance, or whether he who has ever been a Christian gains nothing by having ceased to be one; whether the name itself without the proof of crimes, or the crimes, inseparably connected with the name, are punished. Meanwhile, I have followed this procedure in the case of those who have been brought before me as Christians. I asked them whether they were Christians a second and a third time and with threats of punishment; I questioned those who confessed; I ordered those who were obstinate to be executed. For I did not doubt that, whatever it was that they confessed, their stubbornness and inflexible obstinacy ought certainly to be punished. There were others of similar madness, who because they were Roman citizens, I have noted for sending to the City. Soon, the crime spreading, as is usual when attention is called to it, more cases arose. An anonymous accusation containing many names was presented. Those who denied that they were or had been Christians, ought, I thought, to be dismissed since they repeated after me a prayer to the gods and made supplication with incense and wine to your image, which I had ordered to be brought for the purpose together with the statues of the gods, and since besides they cursed Christ, not one of which things they say, those who are really Christians can be compelled to do. Others, accused by the informer, said that they were Christians and afterwards denied it; in fact they had been but had ceased to be, some many years ago, some even twenty years before. All both worshipped your image and the statues of the gods, and cursed Christ. They continued to maintain that this was the amount of their fault or error, that on a fixed day they were accustomed to come together before daylight and to sing by turns a hymn to Christ as a god, and that they bound themselves by oath, not for some crime but that they would not commit robbery, theft, or adultery, that they would not betray a trust nor deny a deposit when called upon. After this it was their custom to disperse and to come together again to partake of food, of an ordinary and harmless kind, however ; even this they had ceased to do after the publication of my edict in which according to your command I had forbidden associations. Hence I believed it the more necessary to examine two female slaves, who were called deaconesses, in order to find out what was true, and to do it by torture. I found nothing but a vicious, extravagant superstition. Consequently I have postponed the examination and make haste to consult you. For it seemed to me that the subject would justify consultation, especially on account of the number of those in peril. For many of all ages, of every rank, and even of both sexes are and will be called into danger. The infection of this superstition has not only spread to the cities but even to the villages and country districts. It seems possible to stay it and bring about a reform. It is plain enough that the temples, which had been almost deserted, have begun to be frequented again, that the sacred rites, which had been neglected for a long time, have begun to be restored, and that fodder for victims, for which till now there was scarcely a purchaser, is sold. From which one may readily judge what a number of men can be reclaimed if repentance is permitted.
Trajan’s Reply
You have followed the correct procedure, my Secundus, in conducting the cases of those who were accused before you as Christians, for no general rule can be laid down as a set form. They ought not to be sought out; if they are brought before you and convicted they ought to be punished; provided that he who denies that he is a Christian, and proves this by making supplication to our gods, however much he may have been under suspicion in the past, shall secure pardon on repentance. In the case of no crime should attention be paid to anonymous charges, for they afford a bad precedent and are not worthy of our age.