Winter break 2014: Electrical Outage and clean refrigerator

Plan now to accommodate an electrical outage Friday, Jan. 2-Saturday, Jan. 3.

Facilities Management has scheduled the outage to complete major electrical updates in Davis Hall, Fine Arts Building (Main Stage Theatre only), Central Library, Life Science Building, Physical Education Building, Preston Hall, Science Hall, Smart Hospital, Texas Hall, Trinity House, and University Hall.

For those buildings with emergency generators, power will be supplied to support egress lighting, life safety, UTA Police dispatch, and all research facilities currently connected to the generator. All buildings will remain locked during this time.

To prevent any possible damage, Facilities Management recommends turning off all electronic equipment in the offices including computers, scanners, and copiers before leaving for the winter break. These devices do not need to be unplugged from their electrical outlets.

All refrigerators/freezers should be cleaned out before leaving for the winter break.

If you have questions or concerns, special requirements during this time, or newly established research that must retain power, contact either Toby Buhrkuhl at 972-832-1490 or Jeff Johnson at 817-798-8456.

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