November 2012

Homecoming, November 16-17

November 16 – Pecan Street in front of the College Park District will be closed from 5pm-10pm for Homecoming activities.  Parking will be limited but garages are opened during the festivities. 

November 17 – Nedderman Drive in front of the MAC will be closed at 9am for the Homecoming 5K Run.  Route is around the campus so drivers are encouraged to be aware of additional pedestrians and runners in the area. (see below)

Homcoming 5k run ROUTE 2012







Campus signage upgrades in College Park District

Various locations around the College Park district will be closed or limited due to signage upgrades.  Please be aware of construction signs and cones in the areas where traffic is being redirected.

Installation of street light poles near Bookstore on Pecan Street and Lot 53

Street light poles on Pecan Street near the UT Arlington Bookstore and lighting upgrades in Lot 53 are being installed.  Please be aware of construction signs and cones in the areas where traffic is being redirected.



Street Resurfacing on West Street from Mitchell to Pecan and UTA Blvd to 1st Street

Beginning Wednesday, November 21 through Sunday, November 25, West Street will be closed to resurface Mitchell to Pecan Streets at UTA Blvd to 1st Street.  Please be aware of construction signs and cones as traffic will be redirected.


There will be various outages during the Winter Break in December.  Outages will be posted here and through other campus media sources.

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