Poster Design
You can design the poster any way that fits your project and data. See https://www.posterpresentations.com/free-poster-templates.html for a variety of downloadable templates and designs.
The same information as your abstract should be represented on your poster: Introduction or Background, Statement of problem and Why is it important to research this question, Methods, Results and Discussion/Conclusions.
Official UTA colors and logo guidelines can be found in the university’s branding guide online (https://resources.uta.edu/mme/identity/brand/index.php).
Poster Judging
Your posted will be judged by at least 5 judges from faculty, staff and post-docs at UTA as well as alumni of our college. Your poster will be judged on its CONTENT, the DELIVERY of your 3-5 minute video explanation of the work, and the SIGNIFICANCE of the work.
On the CONTENT side judges will be looking at these criteria:
- How accessible was the poster to educated viewers of diverse backgrounds?
- How well was the central issue (thesis)identified?
- How well organized was the poster?
- How well was evidence invoked to support the work’s main claims?
- How well did the work draw conclusions?
On the DELIVERY side, judges will be looking at these criteria:
- How well did author use the space for laying out information?
- How clear and error-free was the text?
- Interacting with viewers, how confident was the presenter?
- Overall, how well did the poster engage the viewer?
For SIGNIFICANCE, judges will be looking at:
- How well did the presenter convey or explain the importance of the work to their discipline?
The judges will have the opportunity to rate your poster from one of these selections: and give you the corresponding points:
1 – Emerging
2 – Developing
3 – Good
4 – Very Good
5 – Exceptional
All students are expected to be present for an in-person poster exhibition from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. on Friday, April 18, in the Chemistry & Physics Building (CPB). Students with the highest totals and supporting comments from the virtual judging will advance to the Discover Showcase event and present their poster live in the Planetarium theater from 1-3 p.m. on April 18. An awards presentation will follow the live oral presentations.