Sabrina Islam / Chemistry & Biochemistry / Faculty Mentor: Kevin Schug

Psychedelic mushrooms or mushrooms containing psilocybin are used nowadays for treating psychological disorders like depression, anxiety & PTSD. Psilocybin, psilocin and some other tryptamines differentiate psilocybin mushrooms from non-psilocybin ones. The purpose of this study is to identify some other potential compounds that are present in the psilocybin mushrooms and not in non- psilocybin ones that could be responsible for the psychedelic effects. Psilocybin and regular mushroom samples were run in Liquid Chromatograph Quadrupole Time of Flight in untargeted method and the data was analyzed in MS-Dial to find some key features. MS-Finder is used to find out the potential compound from the key features found. From the study, some potential key features are found in psilocybin mushrooms. Moreover, through the analysis, some unique features were identified between species in the non-psychedelic group that differentiate button mushroom from wild and Shiitake mushrooms.
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