Ultrasound Equipment Colloquium
On September 30 (Thursday), 4:30 – 6:00 pm, Dr. Sonya Bird will be giving a talk on the use of ultrasound equipment in linguistic research. Location TBA.
On September 30 (Thursday), 4:30 – 6:00 pm, Dr. Sonya Bird will be giving a talk on the use of ultrasound equipment in linguistic research. Location TBA.
On September 24 (Friday), Beth Bryson of SIL will be conducting an all-day workshop (9:30 am – 4:30 pm) on using the Fieldworks Language Explorer software for linguistic data management. The workshop will be in the Linguistics Lab, Trimble Hall 014.
On October 1 (Friday), Dr. Sonya Bird of the University of Victoria will present on how to use the department’s new ultrasound equipment (10 am – 12 noon, location TBA), and she will follow her presentation with a demo (2:00 – 4:30 pm). Registration is required for the demo at 2:00; space is limited to 15.…
Collaborative research by Cynthia Kilpatrick and Jodi Tommerdahl was recently highlighted on Inside Higher Ed. Hear the podcast here, or read the transcript here.
Kilpatrick, Cynthia, Lori McLain Pierce, and Justin Fuller. Diphthongs and Focused Instruction in Spanish Syllabification. Paper presented at CASPSLaP 2012: Current Approaches to Spanish and Portuguese Second Language Phonology, 16-19 February 2012, Columbia, SC.
Kilpatrick, Cynthia. Phonological Change in Maya K’iche’: Glottalization and Uvulars. Poster presented at the 2012 Annual Meeting of the Society for the Study of Indigenous Languages of the Americas, 5-8 Jan 2012, Portland, OR.
Kilpatrick, Cynthia, and Derrick Jackman. Language Loss and Language Change: Three Generations of Maya K’iche’. Poster presented at the Oklahoma Workshop on Native American Languages, 16-17 April 2011, Tallequah, OK.
Kilpatrick, Cynthia, Colleen Fitzgerald, and Namrata Dubey. The contrast system in Tohono O’odham stops. Poster presented at the 12th Conference on Laboratory Phonology, 8-10 July 2010, Albuquerque, NM.
Kilpatrick, Cynthia, Colleen Fitzgerald, Namrata Dubey, Nathan Eversole, and Stephen George. Legacy materials and the phonetic investigation of Tohono O’odham stops. Paper presented at the Oklahoma Workshop on Native American Languages, 17 April 2010, Tallequah, OK.
An article about Dr. Kilpatrick and the Speech Sounds Lab was featured in the College of Liberal Arts’ January 2010 E-Newsletter: Phonetics Lab New Resource for Linguistics Students, Faculty.