Quick List

Team Name

Edge Runners


Fall 2023 – Spring 2024


  • Hector Alvarado
  • Javier Salgado
  • Mohamed Ba
  • Md Ahnaf Tajwar Kamal
  • Yatharth Gautam 


Dr. Shawn Gieser


The purpose of the QuickList application is to simplify the creation and management of the shopping lists. The application will simplify our customers life by extracting text from images and converting a written shopping list to its digital counterpart. It will also allow for the storage and editing of multiple shopping list. Items in shopping lists will also be classified and categorized into their appropriate categories. The application aims to provide all the tools necessary to creation and management of shopping lists.


In a world where convenience is king, it’s surprising that something as routine as grocery shopping often remains a disjointed and time-consuming endeavor. The age-old tradition of scribbling down shopping lists on paper, typing items into basic note-taking apps, and looking at pictures of items persists despite the availability of advanced technology that can revolutionize this routine chore. The problem at hand is clear: the status quo in grocery list management is outdated, disorganized, and in need of innovation. In response to this glaring need, we introduce the Shopping List Converter App, a modern solution poised to redefine the way we shop for essentials. The problem our app is tackling is the inefficiency, lack of organization, and the lack of connectivity of written lists, note-taking apps, or looking at a list from other apps. When you’re shopping you don’t want to stand there looking through your disorganized list trying to find where items are and they could possibly be out of stock. With this app, the power is in your hand you can upload photos or screenshots of your list and organize the items in any fashion you want. This is convenient due to the fact that you can organize all your produce, electronics, cosmetics, etc. into categories and tackle them one by one not only that you’ll be able to know the exact location of those items saving the user so much time. Now the business side of this app there is a very big market demand the app taps into the surging demand for tech-driven solutions that simplify everyday tasks. In an era where smartphones are ubiquitous, the need for a shopping list converter app is more pronounced than ever. According to Grocery Dive, 58 percent of Americans are comfortable using digital tools to assist with their grocery shopping. This is a large untapped market. This app also has savings potential by reducing the chances of users impulse buying which can happen a lot while having a hard time navigating through stores. By addressing these hassles and capitalizing on the potential for increased efficiency, savings, convenience, and connectivity the Shopping List Converter App is going to change the status quo in grocery list management, making shopping a more seamless and enjoyable experience for users. Our sponsor for this app is Dr. Gieser our Senior Design professor he assigned this project to us to help solve the inconveniences of shopping lists that he and his wife were having

Project Requirements

  • Text From Image: The application will has the requirement of being able to take a physically written shopping list and converting it to a digital format. The application will leverage existing libraries to read handwritten notes and parse through the letters and convert it into a list of items.
  • Manually add List and Items: User should be able to use the application for manually creating a shopping list. The application will ask for but is not limited to information such as item name, quantity, description, store, and aisle.
  • Edit List and Items: We are required to allow the user the ability to modify lists and items on the list. Modification include but are not limited to changing name, changing quantities, adding items, adding lists, removing items, removing lists, and changing description.

System OverviewArchitectural Design Diagram

  • Front-End/Presentation Layer: The system Front-end will be comprised of interactive tools and frameworks for user interaction and will be the User interface of the application. This part of the system sends input to the system’s back-end layer.
  • Back-End/Logical Layer: The System Back-end will receive input from the front-end and process said input. It will also be the layer to extract the shopping list items from the images uploaded by the user as input from the system front-end.
  • Database and Information: The system Database and information management system will be implemented through Firebase. A call will be made when Back-end needs information retrieval or insertion.


  • Functional application with simplified functionality
  • Add , and Remove Items and Lists
  • Object character recognition for scanning a written list and converting it to its digital counterpart
  • Or Manually add items and list if you prefer
  • Sign up, Login, and Authentication with Firebase

Future Work

  • Adding Description, Images, and potential item information
  • Edit List and Item functionality
  • Refactoring code for scalability, security, and maintainability
  • Redesign of the routing in application

Project Files

Project Charter

System Requirements Specification

Architectural Design Specification

Detailed Design Specification



[1] “Create and share lists,” AnyList, https://www.anylist.com/ (accessed Sep.24, 2023).
[2] “What Experts have to say,” OutofMilk, https://www.outofmilk.com/ (accessed Sep.24, 2023).
[3] “It’s easier in the app,” Walmart, https://www.walmart.com/cp/walmart-mobile-app/1087865 (accessed Sep.24, 2023).
[4] “Rowing blazers x target,” Target, https://www.target.com/ (accessed Sep.24, 2023).
[5] “6 best apps that can scan handwriting and convert handwriting to text,” wondershare, https://pdf.wondershare.c convert-handwriting-to-text.html (accessed Sep.24, 2023).
