
Team Name



Spring 2019 – Summer 2019


  • Farzana Rahman
  • Mohammed Al Aadhami
  • Rafid Ishrak Jahan


The computer entered almost every aspect of people’s life, trying to facilitate it and make it more productive. DynaMavs team realised that the patients would be grateful if they find an application that can let the computer to make their lives easier. We decided to use the computer inside the Android smartphones to help patients to facilitate their life, make patients more well aware, and more organized. DynaMavs created the application MedApp and loaded it with useful features to perform that purpose. By using MedApp, the patients can take pictures of their medications and they will be stored, the patients can store their profiles, find if their drugs are interacted with each other, and can set reminders to give them notification about their drug-taking time. DynaMavs reviewed a string of medical applications and found that no single app is having the combination of features that MedApp have.


MedApp is an Android application developed by DynaMavs team, and it has many helpful features that can be used by different kinds of users, chiefly patients. However, the application can be used by other users who help the patients. MedApp helps facilitating the tasks the patients need to achieve in order to make their life easier, more organized, and the user to be well-aware about the medication he or she is taking. DynaMavs team works on making the application to be as much as useful yet not complicated and not overloaded with unnecessary features that makes it hard to use by patients or other users.

By using MedApp, the patient, or the user, will be able to receive as many medication-time notifications as he or she wants. The user needs to just set the time for the reminder so they would not miss medication times. The user can take pictures for their medications, instead of manually entering the medications’ names. The names of the drugs will be stored in a particular SQLite database that stores the patient’s drugs. MedApp will also help the user to be well aware of the conflict among their medications; the application does that by showing them if their drugs have interaction. Implementing the database in determining the drug interaction is sophisticated and accurate way to warn the patients if they have drugs that conflict with each other. Furthermore, the patient can create his or her profile that includes 10 items of their medical history (such as the types of allergies they have and surgeries, etc.) and personal information (such as their names, addresses, phone numbers, etc.). Lastly, the user can store the doctor’s advice so they can be retrieved easily and followed by reviewing and then remembering them.

MedApp can help the user, or the patient, to be (1) more organized, (2) makes their life easier, and (3) helps them become well-aware. Making the patient more organized is by having reminders that notify them about the drug time, and organized by having their medical history and information profile handy and available; they would be able to store the doctor’s advice so they could be remembered and followed. MedApp can help to make the patients’ life easier by letting the app user to take pictures for the drugs names and store them in a database, instead of manually typing the drugs names. Well-aware patients will use the MedApp to find out if their medications have any kind of conflict with other medications. DynaMavs expects the users can achieve the different tasks MedApp lets them easily. Special care will be directed to the easiness of the multiple features the application has. Taking pictures for the drugs will be easy, storing the patient’s data will be by just filling out blanks, and finding the drugs interaction will also be easy; the interaction result would be done while the patient enters his or her medication to the drugs list they have. So, while the drug names entry, the automatic check would be done and the patient will know if there is any drug interaction among the drugs he or she is taking.

The application is not a complex one, and it can be used by the patients as well as more categories of people who will find it easy to use.

The intended audience are:

  1. The patients who want to be well aware, make their life easier, and more organized (by doing the above-mentioned features the MedApp has.)
  2. The patients’ assistants who help them, especially for the senior patients, at home by giving them their medication.
  3. The patients’ family members who take care of them.

Project Requirements

MedApp medical application has the 10 following requirements:

  • User shall be able to register an account
  • User shall be able to login into the system using username and password
  • User shall be able to access home screen which will contain options for major features
  • User shall be able to scan prescribed medicine bottle label at the time of inserting medicine name
  • User shall be notified at the time of major drug interactions
  • User shall be able to set reminders for medications
  • User shall be notified with vibration and tone for previously saved medication reminders
  • User shall be able to see a list of saved medications
  • User shall be able to store medical history data into the system
  • User shall be able to store doctor’s suggestion into the system

System Overview

As our system is an android application, we will be using Android Studio for the implementation. We will be using SQLite database. Our system is also an interactive system. Our major requirements are manual and auto insertion of medication information, detecting drug interaction among user’s, set and get reminder for medication time, keep track of medical history and saving doctor’s suggestion. Also to use the application, user needs to register and then login with the same information. After successful login, the user will be able to use the application and all the functions of it. The user has two options for input- automatically by taking a picture which will be converted into text by the application and manually by typing. The auto-insertion feature is provided only for saving medication information. The user can take a picture or upload a photo of a well-written label of medicine using the camera option and the application will convert the image into text using OCR module. User can add the converted text to the list of medication. User can also type medication information to add to the list manually. Whenever the user wants to store information for medication, if the newly entered medicine has any serious interaction with any other medicine listed in the list, the application will show an alert dialog informing the user about the interaction. For the other options like medical history and doctor’s suggestion, the user can insert information by typing through the keyboard. In case of setting reminder for medication, the user can select options for setting multiple alarms for multiple medicines at the same time. As the user adds any information, the data will be stored in the database. The user can modify or delete information as necessary. Whenever the user wants to view any information for an activity or function, the information will be retrieved from the consecutive table of the database and will be shown to the user. The common path of data flow for all the functions except reminder starts from getting the input for each particular activity, then from each particular activity to the consecutive data table of the database and from the database to user screen to view it based on user’s action. In case of reminder, once the user set an alarm it will go to alarm scheduler and which will schedule the alarm and sent it to the database. At the intended time of reminder, the data will flow to notification manager from database to push the notification to user’s screen.


Demo below shows:

Future Work

  • Improve image to text converter quality
  • Increase drug interaction data-set
  • Add different data entry method such as voice input or draw gesture

Project Files

Project Charter (link)

System Requirements Specification (link)

Architectural Design Specification (link)

Detail Design Specification (link)

Poster (link)


Burns, Shauna B., and William N. Kelly. “10 Drug Interactions Every Pharmacist Should Know.” 10 Drug Interactions Every Pharmacist Should Know,
