Team Name
Spring 2021 – Summer 2021
Dr . Christopher McMurrough
The application “School Pickup and Drop off App” is designed to reduce the long waiting time of parents during picking up their children from school in peak hours. During the school pick-up time, the traffic around the school becomes congested and sometimes would even block the whole neighborhood which dramatically increases the safety risk of students, parents, and school staff.
The application will track parents’ location and inform teachers and staff when they are near the school pickup spots so that they can dismiss students. This will reduce the traditional longer time and make the process safer.
The traditional method of dismissing students and picking up students has outdated as it is very inefficient and unsafe. It is a major problem, especially in elementary school. Teachers/staff have to be
on a constant lookout to check if a student’s parent has come to a pickup location. It requires much
more coordination between school staff. The Covid-19 pandemic has made it even more difficult. Since
students cannot stay in a group in designated areas they have to be dismissed one by one.
This traditional method is time-consuming. Parents end up waiting for a long time and traffic gets
crazy around the school pickup zone. Sometimes, the traffic becomes so congested that it would block
the neighborhood. So If we come up with an idea and build a system to solve the traffic and long waiting
time issue in school pickup time it carries huge potential in the market as there are many schools and
parents that are seeking help on these issues.
The customer/sponsor wants to work with us because they want to mitigate the problem caused
during school pick-up. We are looking for a partner school to collaborate with us to use this system in
the real world. Also, we have professor Mcmurrough who is guiding us with ideas to solve the issues.
Project Requirements
Here is the list of top requirements that are of highest priority for the application:
- The Cloud Server and Database should be operational
- The school staff/teacher and parents/guardians should have devices which meets the requirements to have the mobile apps installed and running.
- The school staff/teacher and parents/guardian’s device should have internet connection.
- The school administration should maintain accurate record of student and their parents/guardians and provide login credentials.
System Overview
The application will be separated into 3 layers: Mobile and Website UI, API Layer, and Backend Layer. The Mobile and Website UI layer will be responsible for providing the interactive user interface. The API layer will be responsible for communicating between the mobile and Backend layers. The backend layer will be used for business logic, database operations and will directly communicate with Website UI using HTTP requests.
Demo Video: OneDrive link
Future Work
Due to constraints of time, skills, and budget, the following item may be considered in future versions.
- The project can implement SMS system as an additional feature which can be used by parents who do not wish to install the application on their phones.
- The project might implement Real-Time License Plate Recognition which notify the school officials when patents vehicle approaches near the designated Pick Up/ Drop Off areas.
Project Files
Project Charter (link)
System Requirements Specification (link)
Architectural Design Specification (link)
Detailed Design Specification (link)
Poster (link)