Timwan: Clean Earth

Team Name

                      Timwan : Clean Earth



Spring 2020


  • Aabhas Kharel
  • Jeevan Gyawali
  • Pujan Budathoki
  • Safal Lamsal
  • Subhechha Shrestha


• ‘Arlington Parks Recreation’ referred as the ‘sponsor’ herein after,
Responsibilities:- Sponsor is fully responsible for the maintenance of the app after its completion
and handover by the developers team. The use and modification of the app is the sole decision
of the sponsor and the developer team is not liable for the error and problems the app may face
after handing over the project.

‘Dr. McMurrough’ as Project Supervisor, and
Responsibilities:- Project Supervisor’s main responsibility in this app is to mediate the communication between developer team and sponsor. Other responsibility includes checking and playing
decisive role if the app successfully completes the task as sponsor wanted it to.

• ‘Dr. Conly’ as Project Manager
Responsibilities:- Since the project is a grade based project for the developer team, grade being the
incentive for the successful completion of the project, the project manager’s main responsibility is
to check if the progress made by the team member is satisfactory and reward them with suitable
grade. Project manager is also responsible to provide and facilitate the developer team with any
resources necessary for the project completion.


“Cleaning Parks, Efficiently!” We want to create an app to make it easier to volunteer during cleanups,
and effectively organize cleanups. There are already solutions in the market to report trash in parks,
but none take the extra leap to see the parks cleaned through.

We want to create a cross-platform mobile app mainly focused on organizing cleanups. Volunteers will
be able to see cleanups planned nearby and attend it. Organizers will be able to efficiently delegate
cleanup plan to volunteers and cleanup themselves. Organizers will be provided with a tactical view
with high priority areas highlighted and volunteers will be able to report trash that needs special accommodation.


Even though multiple cleanup events are organized from time to time, many parks are always full of
trash. People spend their time in the park and end up littering all around. Their are also multiple
cases where people knowingly dump trash, toilets and other unwanted items in the park. There are
existing applications which allow people to report such incident but this still lacks some major possible
functionalities. Dr. Mcmurrough, one of our senior design professor, attended couple of trash cleanup
events but was not satisfied looking at the results. He came up with an idea of developing a mobile
application to solve this issue more efficiently and effectively. This application will allow both organizer
as well as participants to easily communicate, identify the area required to be clean, assign particular
participants to particular area and speed up the cleaning event

Project Requirements

The main purpose of the app is to allow event organizers to easily organize, manage participants, and ease the overall process of a trash-cleanup event.

The app will be able to lookup cleanups planned nearby and and inform end users(volunteers) about it.

The app will be able to allow users(organizers) to provide the location of the clean up and update the map in the application for a tactical view.

The app will also allow users (both organiser and volunteer) to upload images from both android and iOS smartphone after their cleanup contribution.

The app will allow volunteers to report trash that needs special attention for cleanup.

The app will contain a User Interface module for users to interact with the app, a cloud storage to access images from, and a social media module that allows users to upload pictures.

This app will allow end users (organizers) to efficiently delegate cleanup plan to volunteers and effectively divide them into groups according to specific area.

System Overview

The system will be a mobile app that will have cleanup organization features and volunteer/organizer
logins. The organizers will be able to edit tactical view in the app and co-ordinate with volunteers.
The app will interface with a back-end service to ping real-time location and store images of cleanup



GitHub Link: https://github.com/muedie/CleanEarth


Future Work

If possible, we might add features where users should be able to share cleanup pictures on social media platforms directly through the app. Each user should be able to communicate with each other via chat feature.

Project Files

Project Charter (link)

System Requirements Specification (link)

Architectural Design Specification (link)

Detailed Design Specification (link)

Poster (link)


