Team Name
Bits Please
Fall 2023 – Spring 2024
- Harrison Cawood
- Bryan Cox
- Shawn Hyder
- Vincent Nguyen
- Daniel Palma
- Sanny Tesfay
The local music scene remains fragmented, with a glaring absence of a digital interface to bridge its various components. This current landscape results in numerous challenges: local bands grapple with visibility issues, making audience engagement arduous; venues and promoters find it strenuous to dis- cern the potential draw of bands; and music fans often miss out on shows they might otherwise would have enjoyed. The overarching objective of “OurScene” is to rectify this disjointed landscape by offering a unified platform that simplifies interactions among venues, promoters, bands, and fans.
Our Scene understands that itâs not easy to spread the news about your up-and-coming band within a local area, and we stride to not only ease the process, but also improve upon it. Local music as of right now is fragmented because there is just not a certain way of knowing when someone is playing or where locally, but with the help of Our Scene it will change all of that, because we are created a centralized location for local artists to post their live dates. With that in mind there are also other issue local artists have to deal with such as finding a venue and dealing with promoters. With Our Scene we want to create an all-in-one application that not only helps the local artist book a venue, and promote their event, but also a place where local music enthusiast can come a find shows near them anytime.
Project Requirements
- Login and account creation for different types of users
- Unique user features
- Streamlined calendars for all users with event dates
- Ticket purchases and event booking for all users
- Ticket metrics/money clearing for promoters, venues, and bands
- Band metrics for promoters, venues, and bands
- In-app messaging for all users
- Curated playlists for all users
- Top-rated tracks radio station for all users
- Dashboard with summary of events
System Overview
“OurScene” intends to streamline the local music industry by implementing a central hub for each user in the process. The main feature will be a unified calendar system with different views based on the user specification (Fan, Artist, Promoter, and Venue), allowing all members to communicate schedules and view when time slots are booked or available. The fans will be able to see when their favorite bands are performing as well as new music at known or unknown venues. The artist will be able to see what time slots are being shared by the promoter and also see what other artists are performing in the same set. The promoter will be able to schedule artists with ease allowing them to market to unknown artists and work closely with the venue. The venue will be able to see all that is happening in the scheduling process and make decisions if need be. After a gig is booked, a channel is created so that fans of one artist can see who else is performing and possibly discover a new artist to start following as well as giving a preview into what the show will be like. To assist in the promoter’s search for artists as well as the artist’s attempt to be discovered, the artist will be able to upload their music through Spotify onto the site, which will be viewable by a fan trying to find new music. On top of being able to hear the artist’s music, fans can vote and boost songs or artists they enjoy helping get their music discovered and booked more often.
OurScene offers a space for all artists, venues, and fans to grow their local scene. By combining the essential elements of music management, all users can efficiently manage and participate in their scene all in one app. Fostering an environment for creatives to thrive.
Desktop homepage
Mobile stations with user
Mobile venue
Future Work
Should development continue, features necessary for participating in your scene, i.e. ticketing, will be the next feature to be completed with basic analytics to follow.
Project Files
System Requirements Specification
Architectural Design Specification