Team Name
Fall 2023 – Spring 2023
- Jeremy Jones
- Ethan Nguyen
- Victor Ong
- Sumaita Sabaha
- Kabigya Raj Karki
Our Sponsorship is the ‘STAR Sponsorship Program
Our team will continue to add features to the website the sponsors wish to use. We will hope to improve the visibility and image of the website to attract users to the program.
The STAR Sponsorship program was created to help low income children to have the opportunity to reach their maximum potential in schooling and education. The program provides the funds for the parents to help their child prosper in their learning.
Our sponsor has reached out to us with the request to make a brand new website. They want to leave their previous website with the intent to make a more modern stylized website with some added key features that will help them maintain it in the future.
Project Requirements
- Update Old Tabs to new tabs. Ex. Turn the blog tab to become ‘Latest News’
- Add Login timeout
- Add Database security rules
- Update Previous pages to have edit features
- Create a Timeline page
- Social Media linking with the website
- Add more website flexibility
- Use ConstantContact for automated Emails
- floating buttons that explain how part of the website should work for users
- Track Website traffic
System Overview
Our website will be a more modern look to their older previous website which is still in use. We will also continue to add features our sponsors ask for like edit features on specific pages such as their ‘success stories’ and ‘newsletters’ pages. The website should fulfill their needs and attract new users to their program
While the website does not have all the features the sponsors wish for, it is fully functionable and is able to be run on a hosting service. If more time would allow, we could have implemented a few more features and hopefully cleaned up our a work a bit more.
Future Work
- continue to add edit features to other pages
- finish implementing constant contact
- update the front end when needed
Project Files
Project Charter
System Requirements Specification
Architectural Design Specification
Detailed Design Specification