Team Name
The Clean Team
Spring 2022 – Summer 2022
- Mohammed Ahmed
- Amay Kadakia
- Shubhayu Shrestha
- Nicholas Soliz
Dr. Shawn Gieser
There have been times when we forget to put out our garbage bins on the curb for the garbage truck to pick up. The Clean Team want to ease the process of taking out one’s garbage bins to the curb.
Trash is something that all people have to deal with. There is a good system in place by the government to help to collect, and dispose of the waste created by the people of the country but the system relies on people acting on time. Our application is meant to help alleviate the burden placed on the people in the trash collection process.
By providing an application that can track and alert people of when a garbage truck will be coming by heir homes, the weekly stress of making sure your trash is taken out is effectively eradicated. By providing for functionality that sends reminders to the consumers phone the consumer can also ensure they do not have to rush early in the morning to take their bins to the curb, and also helps to prevent needing to hold onto trash for several more days.
The business case of this application will be to contact and coordinate with local waste companies to provide data on how efficient the routes their garbage trucks run are as well as providing data about users trash. The data collected can be used to determine how often a route should be run as well as provide immediate information about potential stops and break-downs through an interface accessed by the driver of the truck. Contacting businesses will be done after initial production and testing of the application to ensure the application developed is ready for commercial use.
The application can also be extended to help the average user to categorize their waste. This would allow for the user to sort their trash and look up on what days specific types of garbage are collected. This will assist in making sure that disposal facilities are not receiving incorrect types of waste, as well as preventing potentially hazardous material from being disposed of incorrectly which could have negative environmental impacts. By providing material provided by official government agencies the application can provide a convenient method for users to determine the correct method of disposal.
Our team collaborated closely with Dr Shawn Gieser who is our sponsor and Senior Design professor. This idea was born from the stresses he has experienced in the past with waste disposal and our goal is to meet his specification to reduce these stresses.
Project Requirements
- The app must allow the customer and driver to securely log in
- The application must be able to store the user’s information in a database
- The app must display a map with the garbage truck route and estimated time of arrival (ETA)
- The app must allow the user to edit account information
- The app must display proper disposal methods for different types of waste
System Overview
To help increase the efficiency of Garbage Collection, promote recycling, and making household garbage/recycling management easier, we aim to develop an app that will act as a central location for residents to track their local garbage truck and have access to proper waste management methods.
Our solution will include the following major components:
• Sign Up: Users can create a new account utilizing this page which allows for personal customization features.
• Guest Mode: The user can view the app through guest mode to simply view the location of the garbage truck and local waste management information.
• Driver Mode: The Garbage Collection Service provider can log in utilizing the Driver Mode in order to allow residents to track the garbage truck.
• Log In: The user can log in through any device to access the application.
• Home Page: Central location for navigating through the different features of the application.
• Truck Tracker: Page that will track the location of the garbage truck and show its route on a map.
• Information: A page dedicated to provide users information about local waste management laws/rules, garbage truck routes (what pickup day), how to properly dispose of specific items.
• Account Management: Page that will allow the user to update their personal information.
• Map (Driver Side): Page that will allow the driver to view their route and begin/end their tracking.
• Vehicle Management (Driver Side): Page that will allow for the driver to input vehicle status (ie: under maintenance, out of service, etc.)

Future Work
Our app currently displays a map as well as the ETA for a garbage truck given a specific route. In the future, we plan to add additional features to our application, as well implement features we did not get to. This includes custom notifications that alerts users when the garbage truck is on the way.
Project Files
Project Charter (link)
System Requirements Specification (link)
Architectural Design Specification (link)
Detailed Design Specification (link)
Poster (link)
Any references go here, properly formatted