Team Name
Team Matrix
Fall 2021 – Spring 2022
- Suman Thapa Magar
- Pratik Mahato
- Rikrish Shrestha
- Yunika Upadhayaya
- Bivash Yadav
Asenn, LLC
beautyLinc is a cross-platform mobile application that initiates and establishes connection between customers and independent contractors of the beauty industry.
beautyLinc has two interfaces: one for the contractors, and the other for customers. It has a simple appointment system. On the contractors’ side, they can update their availability and the services provided in the app. On the customers’ side, beautyLinc will display a list of independent contractors within a certain range of customer’s location in real time frame. By selecting a particular contractor, they can schedule an appointment that best fits their schedule and the services needed. The app also features on boarding which allows users to be able to complete the process and book the appointment in less than a minute.
In general, it is difficult for customers in the beauty industry to find the independent contractors for the services they need in real time. These contractors, on the other hand, cannot afford or maintain the business website or mobile application to list the services they provide. So, when customers require services from the contractors, they must go through the trial-and-error process of contacting the contractors individually until they get the services they want with mutual availability. This leads to the loss of potential customers and revenue for the contractors as well as loss of time with no guarantee to find the best fit contractors for the customers.
Project Requirements
- The mobile application needs to be compatible on iOS and Android.
- User can select any contractors based on service they require. They can select the time that best fits them and book the appointment.
- The application will use MongoDB NoSQL database. This specific database is required in order to ensure that the data can be migrated into other database as needed by the customer.
- The application will have the feature of booking system. It allows the user to book appointment with the contractors based on date/time/availability.
- The application will have calendar integrated in it. It is required to book appointments based on date/time/availability.
- The application will have service menu in the form of pictures for users.
- The application will have access to the google maps in it. This will allow the users to locate service providers on map based on user GPS location.
- The application will have the feature of push notification. It is required to notify the user about upcoming appointments.
System Overview
beautyLinc application will be separated into 3 layers: Presentation Layer, Business Layer, and Data Access Layer.
Presentation Layer: This Layer consists of the the user interfaces of the application. The user interfaces are categorized into the customer’s interfaces, and the contractor’s interfaces. It consists of pages such as login, sign up, homepage, appointment screen, etc.
Business Layer: This layer consists of Mongo DB, Google Cloud, and the beautyLinc server. This is the level where all the major API calls, authentication, data exchange, etc. occurs.
Data Access Layer: The data access layer is made up of the components that are used to store, retrieve, update, and delete user data securely and and in an efficient way. The main component is Express server that communicates with different components like firebase authentication, MongoDB, Cloud storage to facilitate the data access to mobile application over API calls.

Future Work
- The application will implement Machine Learning Algorithm to pair the user with the best fit contractor for the job.
- The application will have app analytics in it. It will gather accurate data and use patterns to provide better service to the users.
- The application will have in-app advertising. It will feature personalized advertisements on the basis of the use patterns of the users.
- The application will have social media integrated in it.
Project Files
Project Charter (link)
System Requirements Specification (link)
Architectural Design Specification (link)
Detailed Design Specification (link)
Poster (link)