Team Name
The 5 D’s
Fall 2021 – Spring 2022
- Rogelio Chapa
- Saumya Khimsaria
- Michael Cline
- Amber Hernandez
- Javier Gonzalez
Shawn Gieser
The 5D’s (Dodgeball Video Game) is a multiplayer game created in Unity 3D using C# and Mirror extension. The game will allow players to choose a charactyer, map, and play locally over the network with any of their friends on the same network. The game plays as you would expect a dodge ball game to play. Players can run around pick up balls and throw them at each other. Once a player gets hit enough times they eliminated! Players can choose to play again or quit at the end of their game. This game was created using both purcharsed and assets and custom created ones for our users to enjoy!
This “Dodgeball Video Game” aims to target a market that has not been fully explored. There exist a few examples already of dodgeball games in the market, but none of them are perfect and each have some sort of compromises. Some include great interaction with the playing field but leave room for more variables like ball/player abilities, others do the opposite and have great abilities but basic level layouts. Although with the correct implementation, we believe that we can sufficiently satisfy and provide a great and unique gaming experience to our customer and sponsor, Professor Gieser. Our clients main desire is to have us analyze the existing small market and based off previous attempts in dodgeball games, develop a unique dodgeball experience not seen before. Dodgeball has been around for quite a while and I can say confidently since we were all kids. Being able to reproduce the game and take advantage of the technology here today will help produce new life into the game dodgeball. Although it will not be a 100 percent similar to the original game we all played as kids, the same basic principal of working together as a team to eliminate the enemy team is still present.
Project Requirements
- Game will be 3D
- Game will be multiplayer(local)
- Game will run on Windows 10
- Game will implement Dodgeball rules in some fashion
- Game will have multiple maps to select from
- Game wil have multiple characters to select from
- Game will have different type of throwable balls (or wrench)
- Player character will be able to move jump and slide
- Player character movement will be animated
- Game will be made for all ages
System Overview
Our system will be broken into two main layers, client and server. Inside the client layer we have controllers for character, animations, rendering, and network communications. Inside the server we have logical processing subsystem that takes care of calculations from received input of each player and a net- working subsystem to keep updating each players position, health, etc. to all the other players connected to the server.

Future Work
Currently game is very bare bones only defaults to one game mode (FFA). Only has a limited number of maps and character to select from. Character all handle the same. For future work we would want to expand on maps, character, character abilities, different balls/ball attributes. We would also like to expand the Network component to be avail over the internet instead of just local hosting.The bugs aren’t game breaking (I hope) but we would like to fix all the different bugs that are present in the game.
Project Files
System Requirements Specification (link)
Architectural Design Specification (link)
Detailed Design Specification (link)