SpaceTabs: Lifefit App

Team Name



Spring 2021 – Summer 2021


  • Krishna Khadka
  • Sushant Gupta
  • Puskar Dev
  • Shishir Pathak
  • Naveen Narayan Ganapazham




State Farm Insurance Company approached us with a  proof of concept for Life Insurance Rate for its members who perform daily activities to keep up with good health. For this, the data such as sleep patterns, steps taken, heart rate, and calories burned are  collected from wearable devices and a machine learning model is run upon those data points to give a quote for Life Insurance


The project has been going on for three semesters and our team is the last one to wrap up the project. When we started working on the project, we found quite of problems with the code and functionality and thus we have to start the project from scratch. The project was divided into the mobile part, web part, and machine learning part. The data is collected from Fitbit watch and those data are shown in interactive pie charts and graphs. In addition to this, a machine learning model is run upon these datasets that give a person a health score out of 10, and as per the score gained a quote is provided for Life Insurance.

Project Requirements

  1. The application should calculate fitness level for user
  2. The application should have improved API calls to only answer AWS server
  3. The application should have dynamic graphs to display data
  4. System should perform fraud detection to check for manipulation of use
  5. The application should have a registration to allow new users to register
  6. The application should have improved UI Experience
  7. The system should have improved end to end flow to let users interact with data
  8. The application should view user health score
  9. The application should allow user to change their information
  10. The application should allow users to view their daily health data

System Overview

Android App Demo
Web App Demo

Future Work

StateFarm might take this project to the production level with more features to come.

Project Files

GitHub Link:

