Team Name
Spring 2021 – Summer 2021
- Aawaj Bhaukajee
- Manish Khadka
- Laura Adhikari
- Sayana Thapa
- Bikash Shrestha
Dr. Chris Conly
Donors is a reliable android application where interaction is made possible between the organizations or hospitals needing blood donations and the blood donors with correct precision of time, schedule, and management. Considering the lives of people who need blood every day, our vision is to provide necessary services to the community by helping in the blood donation field. In today’s worldwhere almost all people demand social interactions through ‘Internet and its services’, people depend on social media which is especially supported by smart phones. As this is an android application, it will provide convenience and comfort to the users. There can be substantial problems that will affect the livesof many people. For example, a political outburst, global disease pandemic, severe weather etc., that cancause serious problems to those people who will be in desperate need of blood. In these situations,we envision to showcase our product with more aim that will maximize the assistance in a general community.
We have a product: a convenient and reliable smartphone application which serves to solve these problems in difficult times. With our application, the blood donation organizations will be successful in notifying the donors if they need the blood. The donors can check the locations where the blood donations are taking place and schedule a time for it. The mission includes a strong and a dependable relationship among the health organizations and the people who are willing to donate blood. There cannot be a better option to rely on the web of the internet which makes it possible to connect all components like database, location service, information, search criteria, etc. in one place. We expect full satisfaction by the users who use our application.
The statistics suggest that there are a lot of people who die every day because of unsafe blood transfusion, not getting blood in time due to location and correct technology, and lack of proper planning and management of blood donation programs. This happens in a much higher percentage to underdeveloped countries than the developed ones. A WHO reports that, “Only about 40% of the blood collected each year is donated in developing countries, which are home to over 80% of the world’s population.” If developed countries have these situations, there is undoubtedly the worst situation in some rural parts of underdeveloped countries. This is a huge loss in the health sector, particularly because of not being able to save the lives of people. As mobile phones and Internet are present in most parts of the country, our application can be used anywhere and it gives a comfortable, user friendly, and a pleasant service to the users. It can be a huge helping hand on some communities.
Project Requirements
- Donors must be able to go to click the profile of any registered hospital and send donation requests with a chosen time and date, and vice versa.
- Users must be able to see the location of all registered hospitals when clicked on the marker on the map and it should show the distance from their current location.
- Scheduling can be done page by directly choosing a location shown in the map.
- Donors must be able to search hospitals by their name and locations.
- Hospitals must be able to search users by their first name, last name, age, blood type, high blood pressure, low blood pressure, and weight.
- Users must be able to see the location of all registered hospitals when clicked on the marker on the map and it should show the distance from their current location.
- Both donors and hospitals must be able to edit their information after registering their accounts.
- Users and hospitals must be allowed to change their password if such action is taken.
- Application must only allow users having real email addresses to register.
- Afer registering the account, a verification email must be sent.
System Overview
The domain of the project is healthcare. We attempted to bridge the gap between the information received by a normal donor and the hospitals and organizations that need it. There are two types of users: a donor, and an organization/hospital. The application displays two different interfaces depending on who the user is. A donor and the hospital both can search each other and able to schedule an appointment and manage the appointments. Donors can also view the map showing the locations of the hospitals and organizations. Hospitals can search donors by sorting their age, blood group, low and high blood pressures, weight and sort them, and donors can search hospitals by their location and name. If there are any donation requests incoming, the home page updates the information, same process is applied when the request is accepted or declined.
There are three layers:
User presentation layer provides a user interface to the user which serves as the data translator for the network. It responds to the server request from the application layer and makes the information readable to the application layer. Also it makes sure the information is displayed properly in the receiving side.
Server layer helps to communicate between the user layer and the cloud service layer. So, it acts as a bridge or an interface between these two layers. This layer can be considered as the heart of the application since the whole application is dependent and controlled by this layer. All the system APIs, and location API(google map) are the parts of the Server Layer.
Cloud Service Layer serves as storing all the information of the users like username, password, blood type, blood pressure etc. as well as locations of different blood donation centers in a database (Google Firebase and Google Firestone).

Demo Link:
Future Work
We will try to publish the application in Google play store after making more dynamic changes.
Project Files
Project Charter:
System Requirements Specification:
Architectural Design Specification:
Detailed Design Specification:
“Blood Donor App.” The Red Cross Blood Donor App Red Cross Blood Services. , donor-app.html. “Create Sprint Burn Down Chart.” Salesforce Developers Forums, 2017, ?id=9060G000000MPu8QAG.